22. Milky Way IS NOT a galaxy at all.

22. Milky Way IS NOT a galaxy at all.

What we see across the night-sky as an elongated streak of numerous shining objects is not our hypothetical “mother” galaxy but a cross-section of the two most powerful energy bridges of the Cosmic Hierarchy of our Solar System, the bridges of levels 8 (with its dimension of 295 million light-years) and 9 (with its dimension of 3585 million light-years), connecting the Great Attractor to Sloan Great Attractor, and Sloan Great Attractor to its center of motion of the level 10 (to be discovered by means of the next generation of telescopes), respectively. Both cosmic periods of the levels 8 and 9 are going to be finished soon; the first in 35 million years (in relation to 295 million years) and the second in 78 million years (in relation to 3585 million years). Therefore we are looking already today almost directly along those two mighty energy bridges.

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