7. Venus stays at the center of mass of our Solar System.

Venus is permanently (since the first formation of the Proto-Solar System) located at the center of mass of our Solar System. Our Sun has been formed 7.1 milliard years ago, as a double-star system, from a singular cloud of cosmic dust. The smaller member of the system (called Andrea-star), probably a brown dwarf, has been destroyed in a huge collision at the beginning of the present period of level 9 of our Cosmic Hierarchy (3507 million years ago), giving origin of the four “gaseous” gigantic “planets” (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) and of all moons of our present Solar System. Venus has been formed in the center of mass of the Proto-Solar System and stays there also today. The total mass of the primordial cosmic cloud has defined all values of all physical constants the scientists of the recent five centuries have discovered and introduced into their traditional description of Nature (like Planck’s constant or the elementary electric charge).

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