10. The oceans on Earth are not older than 700-800 million years.

10. The oceans on Earth are not older than 700-800 million years.

The Proto-Mars—Proto-Earth collision has occurred at the distance of 1.33 AU (3.5 milliard years ago). Since then the Earth-Moon duo is approaching the center of mass of the Solar System (in Venus). It causes the rising of the average temperature of the Earth’s surface, from -32°C shortly after the collision to +8.4°C today. The entire Earth’s surface (with probably an exception of separate regions near active volcanoes) was deeply frozen all the time until the average temperature has reached the range about 0°C (-1°C to +1°C). It was the time (between 800 and 700 million years ago), when the depressions in the Earth’s crust began to fill themselves with liquid water, forming the first true oceans on Earth.

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