UP32. The Cosmic Carousel of Life and Death

In the summer of 2002, I finished writing the first of my now numerous books about the Universe. At the time, I was so enthusiastic about the new possibilities of my unified description of the entire Universe that I gave the book the title "The Cosmic Carousel of Life". Although the unification of all physics had already paved the way to the "World Formula"1 for me at that time, I was personally much more excited about the possibility of applying the new Cosmic Time Scale of the Cosmic Hierarchy of the Solar System to a precise reconstruction of all past events on Earth. Among the most important such events were the five cases of mass extinction of living organisms, which had been well researched until then, as well as the strongest volcanic eruptions and the strongest earthquakes in human history. But the most important and exciting thing for me even then was the precise dating of the individual steps in the evolution of mankind, from the separation of the first families from the primate order to us - today's humans, and even further into the past, to the formation of the Solar System as the basis for this evolution of life. ... (further read in PDF-file).

1 after which all other physicists were either actively or passively (as spectators) excited.

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