UP29. Farewell is a sharp sword

The Englishman Roger Whittaker, who sang German, died a few days ago at the age of 87. One of his best-known songs bears the title that I have adopted for this article ("Abschied ist ein scharfes Schwert"; Farewell is a sharp sword).
No matter how tough you seem to be, saying goodbye to beloved family members, friends or even pets is always difficult. You can rarely prepare yourself for a "goodbye forever". On the other hand, every living being (on the levels above bacteria) has to die at some point. Is there no prognosis, no prediction? Unfortunately not.
But ...

There is a way of identifying the specific periods in each life when death is much more likely than otherwise. The energy consumed by an organism is not the same every day. This consumption changes periodically, at regular intervals, in the periods of a cosmic clock that sets a cosmic rhythm for all events in the universe. This clock can be visualised as shown in the diagram below.

A cosmic hour of level 1 lasts 7,584 years (approximately 7 years and 7 months). The corresponding level 2 hour lasts 92.1 years, i.e. 12.1428 times longer. This scaling factor 12.1428 is always the same for the entire clock (and for the entire visible universe). If we extend the cosmic hour of level 2 seven more times by the same factor, we calculate the longest hour of the cosmic clock, hour of level 9 (one full revolution of hand 8 of the upper clock), which the Earth itself experiences. This hour lasts 3584.6 million years. At the beginning of this period, the Earth "got" its moon and the evolution of life on it began. As we can see in the diagram below, the beginning of this current cosmic hour of level 9 took place 3506.673 million years ago. This means that today this hour is already coming to an end quite soon. In less than 78 million years, our solar system as we know it today will no longer exist; it will "die".

But that is not the topic of this article. What interests us today is this energetic progression of each cosmic period, including the periods of stages 2 and 1.

This means that our body interacts most effectively with its environment (in effect - with the universe) at the beginning of each hour 2 of our life (i.e. at our conception and birth), and also at its (theoretical) end, 92.1 years later. When this interaction becomes increasingly too taxing on our individual bodies, we die earlier, most often at the end of an earlier hour of stage 1. The theoretical energetic progression of a stage 2 life is shown in the following image.

Armed with this information about the lives of our loved ones, we can determine at least the periods of increased "risk" of death for each of them. For example, my critical points in life look like this:

In April 2022, I still happily survived my tenth level 1 cosmic hour. Of course, I could also die tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but the next period of increased probability for this won't come for me until late summer 2029. That reassures me somehow. I still have time for a few more posts like this for my blog. And I also still have time to think about who in particular I would like to say goodbye to personally, or who I would like to be able to say goodbye to. We owe each other such considerations, especially in the circle of our loved ones (and pets), don't you think?

ET8. The World Formula has long been found

"Spektrum der Wissenschaft" (the German translation of "Scientific American") recently published an article entitled: "Will we ever find a world formula?", and prepared an opportunity to formulate a letter to the editor directly below. (You can read the fragments I selected from this article here: From the Spectrum_Article). On 9 September 2023, I took advantage of this suggested opportunity and wrote the following text to the editors:

To: leserbriefe@spektrum.de Comment on the article "Will a world formula ever be found?"

Dear editors,

I have a comment on the article "Will a world formula ever be found?"

Such a universal formula has already been known and published for several years (for example in my books). During my visit to your editorial office (also several years ago), I informed you about this research. It has now been completed, but is still fairly unknown, because you don't want to (or can't?) believe it.

It is a pity that more and more generations of young people are studying traditional physics without learning about this important innovation. I would be delighted if someone would make the effort to take the first step into the future of science with you.

Yours sincerely

Dr Peter Jakubowski

Düsseldorf, 09.09.2023 Today is 27 September. To date, I have not received a reply from the editorial team. It's a real shame because there are still people who are interested in science and read "Spektrum der Wissenschaft". This creates an obligation for good journalism to also report on new, less well-known developments in science. You can read about my world formula in section 4.2 of my book "Universal Philosophy of Life". A shorter version of the corresponding description (from the book "Ich, Du, und Wir Alle") is available to read here: Extract from "I, You, and We All". All in all, it is another mistake of the "traditionalists" to believe that progress can be prevented by silence.

O31. AI school must come

Our Garfield is dead. After 17.5 years with us. So, his body is no longer there. But his spirit is free again. Let's see in what form he might return to us. And we, my wife and I, are also free again. For the first time in our marriage, we are free to leave the house again without having to worry about the creatures that depend on us. Since the first week of September this year brought a beautiful late summer to our area, we spontaneously travelled to Sauerland. Despite the Corona years, despite climate change, it's still beautiful here, quiet and relaxing.

When you're old and getting worse, you tend to repeat the old phrases without thinking. For example: "God didn't succeed in creating old age". But if you are still functioning reasonably well, sitting in the garden on a sunny afternoon with a bottle of beer in your hand and can do what you want and like, then this phrase sounds more like an insult (to nature or creation) than a truth.

So what do you do on an afternoon like this? If, like me, you have already written several books and several scientific publications on the possible answers to the most important questions facing humanity, you look at the world's past and present problems from a greater distance and ask yourself: "What's the point of all this? Who cares about what you are doing today or tomorrow, or what you are planning to do? Part of my mind says: "Leave it alone! Enjoy the time and the beer. You can't change anything on your own. But then the second half of my mind gets upset and protests. Fifty years of successful development of a new, marvellously unified science must soon bring about something greater, spread throughout the world, initiate a change in thinking, introduce a completely new direction in the education of all children and young people in the world.

Why is the current way of imparting knowledge failing worldwide? Clearly not because of bad pupils. Rather, it's the poorly prepared teachers. But what causes this situation where teachers (on average worldwide) are ill-prepared for their profession, and in recent times are even simply psychologically and physically afraid of having to stand in front of their class? These fears are the result of their poor training at universities and teacher training colleges, where professors, who have been out of schools the longest of all people, are unable to practically comprehend the rapid technical development of interpersonal communication and thus "produce" poorly prepared teachers.

Breaking this vicious circle seemed impossible to me for a long time. But now it seems that a good solution to this problem has been found. The Hollywood actors' strike gave me this solution. The actors are afraid of being replaced by their avatars and losing their jobs as a result. I only partly share this fear because I believe that good actors have always inspired audiences with their individual identities and will continue to do so as avatars. You just have to align the contracts with the production of authentic avatars and accept AI in the cinema business.

The same (I am firmly convinced) must also be done in schools in the near future. Teachers must be provided with the appropriate software that enables every teacher to create their own avatar. I am thinking about Avatars 2.0, which do not replace the original human teachers, but enrich them (with generally useful knowledge), strengthen their physical powers (because they never get tired), and above all - can never act independently without control by their human originals. Such an AI-supported school has several advantages. Firstly, teachers no longer need to be afraid to do their job. Physically - they are not vulnerable. But more importantly, psychologically - they can be sure that they will no longer discover any gaps in their own knowledge; AI makes the entire knowledge of mankind available to every teacher. Secondly, students can meet in smaller or larger groups for lessons where it suits them best. Thirdly, the adult supervisors of such groups can concentrate on the social goals of education. The permanently dilapidated school buildings can be converted into sports and cultural centres (or the worst of them can be demolished altogether). And fourthly, the individual weaknesses (linguistic or motor skills) of some pupils can be individually supported by AI.

All children in the world, regardless of their parents' financial wealth, can be given the same opportunities in AI schools to start their adult lives well educated.

O30. Drought in Europe: Homemade disaster

On 30 June 2023, the ZDF documentary by Jens Niehuss: "Drought in Europe; The catastrophe is homemade" was broadcast again on Arte-tv; it will remain online until 27.07.2023)

In the commentary on Arte-tv we read:

Drought in Europe

The catastrophe is homemade

Lower rainfall - even during the cooler seasons - is currently pushing regions in southern Europe to their limits. Dried-out soils and water shortages in tourist regions are just some of the consequences. Using examples from Germany, France, Spain and Romania, the documentary explores the question of the extent to which drought disasters are self-inflicted beyond climate change.

drought in Europe is not just a buzzword, it is scientifically proven: Southern Europe is not the only region under threat; even Germany and France are already experiencing extreme drought. Forest fires are increasing dramatically, fields are becoming dust deserts. Meteorologists speak of an underestimated danger and point to the state of European groundwater reservoirs - there is a water shortage throughout Europe.

German, French, Spanish and Romanian experts present their research findings in the documentary. Examples of the causes are shown: the spruce monocultures in German forests or the "Mare del Plástico", the plastic sea of greenhouses that stretches over 350 square kilometres in Spain. This is where the fruit and vegetables for our supermarkets are cultivated. And the future looks even more arid and hotter: This is why research is already being carried out in France on wine that is resistant to heat and drought.

The documentary shows how a forestry policy that has been misguided for decades and the consequences of intensive agriculture are fuelling the drought. Climate change has led to a lack of rainfall and hot summers, but the fact that this has turned into a drought also has a lot to do with politics and lobbying. But there is hope: the documentary presents EU measures, scientific projects and private initiatives to curb the drought: Keyword "European Green Deal" for biodiversity as well as the expansion of sustainable management of our fields and forests.

For further comments, please also read the commentary in the Frankfunter Rundschau from 2021 ,

and also my earlier comments:

U5. Why environmental protection is necessary, but climate protection is impossible!

A7. How Mars influences the weather.

A28. Weather forecasts: basically just a joke?