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The first in history of science unified description
of the entire Nature presented in a series of videos
on every Friday between July and December 2019.
(The newest parts on the top of this listing)
English Epilogue
This is an Epilogue of the series delivering the future knowledge on every next Friday during the second half 2019. It is a short summary of our series, including the most important conclusions for Your young generation determined to act by yourselves.
From the new paradigm:
1) You cannot save our Solar System; from the same reason you cannot save our global climate.
2) However, You have to save Your own Future on Earth; my generation is too egoistic to do this.
3) Your comments on this series (on can help others understand the Unified Science more deeply.
Part 24 “The Unified Design of our Universe”
This is a summary of our series "Future scientific knowledge on every next Friday", presenting the worldwide premiere:
the Unified Design of our Universe, the single physical equation describing all possible natural actions and phenomena, always and everywhere.
From the new paradigm:
1) The planar distribution of quantum energy equals always and everywhere in our Universe the universal quantum circulation.
2) The unified electrons are the starting level to build the
inanimate world as well as all living organisms.
3) The practical realization of this design means that quantum radiation becomes active only when its frequency changes.
Part 23 “Individual and Global Consciousness”
A definition of consciousness is one of the most fascinating problems of humanity. Our New-Paradigm Unified Physics gives us for the first time a real possibility to define our individual and global consciousness in scientific terms of a unified quantum theory.
From the new paradigm:
1) Our Individual Consciousness is our subjective perception of our soul, our body and our mind.
2) The Global Consciousness is an inter-subjective perception of our group-creativeness, our group-matter and our group-spirit.
3) At the moment, it seems to me to be possible to recover the ancient knowledge stored up in the universal energy field.
Part 22 "Unified Definition of an Electron"
We start to use our new-paradigm tool, the Unified Physics, to build our Universe practically. The first practical building elements of it are the unified electrons, the universal quanta of the membrane level of the Quantum Spectrum of Matter-Spirit Quanta.
From the new paradigm:
1) The unified electrons are the universal quanta of the membrane level of the Quantum Spectrum of Matter-Spirit Quanta.
2) They are almost identical with the electrons of the traditional physics, the elementary particles with electric charge of 1e.
3) The construction of all other quanta, from quarks to super-brain quanta, is the first scientific task for your young generation.
Part 21 "Unified Electromagnetic Spectrum"
On the contrary to the traditional electromagnetic spectrum working only in vacuum, the Unified Electromagnetic Spectrum is applicable in all domains of our quantized Universe, including the tropopause, the origin of our terrestrial life.
From the new paradigm:
1) The traditional electromagnetic spectrum based on the vacuum speed of light works only in that single state - in vacuum.
2) The Unified Electromagnetic Quantum Spectrum is a part of our unified description of the entire Universe.
3) The tropopause is a natural protective shield of higher developed life on Earth against the harmful cosmic radiation.
Special Part 4 "Exercising in our Cosmic Timescale"
Our Cosmic Timescale, finally adjusted to natural occurrences by Tambora volcanic eruption, means a better understanding of the strongest earthquakes and our future.
From the new paradigm:
1) The largest volcanic eruptions and the strongest earthquakes are resulting from our embedding in the Cosmic Hierarchy.
2) The last-century earthquakes demonstrate that the width of a cosmic energy bridge is about 6 percent of its length.
3) Our present Solar System cannot exist any longer than the next 36 million years.
Special Part 3 "How can we survive the next Millennium?"
The urgent adaptation to the natural conditions for healthy human communities (Great Family and Matriarchy) is the only option for our survival as the 1st Global Civilization.
From the new paradigm:
1) Great, multi-generational family should become the natural unit of every society again.
2) Matriarchy should replace the present patriarchy in every society all around the world again;
3) Legislative power and judicature should be given exclusively to women on all levels of human community.
Part 20 "Evolution of our 1st Global Civilization"
Our 1st Global Civilization, the seventh of the Great Civilizations of Humanity, is the regular evolutionary division of our Species following the separation of this Species from our Genus Homo sapiens Sapiens 6739 years ago.
From the new paradigm:
1) Life expectancy of a Species, an evolutionary unit, is always 13578.3 years for all Species of living organisms.
2) Life expectancy of a Population as an evolutionary sub-unit of a Species, is always 1118.22 years.
3) Our 1st Global Civilization is the seventh evolutionary sub-unit of our Species Homo sapiens Sapiens.
Part 19 "Unified History of Evolution of Life"
Life does not come from a "singularity" (a single point or a primordial cell), but from a universal state of the whole spectrum of "Matter-Spirit" quanta.
From the new paradigm:
1) It is wrong to group "related" Species into one Genus, and "related" Genera into one Family, and so forth.
2) The reverse direction of the life-hierarchy is correct, going through consecutive separation, from the top to the bottom.
3) The chronology of the cosmic quantum jumps plays the role of a clock of the individual steps of the evolution of life.
Part 18 "Hierarchy in The Evolution of Life"
Evolution of life on Earth arises in hierarchically ordered periods of quiet development separated with violent changes of the environment.
From the new paradigm:
1) The periods of the Cosmic Hierarchy of the Solar System are the natural periods of the evolution of life.
2) The length of the periods of this Hierarchy defines the length of the taxonomic periods of the evolution theory.
3) The cosmic jumps separating those periods is the main driving force of the evolution of life.
Part 17 "Unified History of Earth"
The Universal Time Scale arranges all past events of the Earth's history on a single axis of time.
From the new paradigm:
1) The traditional Geologic Time Scale has to be replaced with the Universal Time Scale.
2) The Universal Time Scale orders all past events on Earth.
3) Its accuracy remains constantly high down to the Earth's formation.
Part 16 "Global-Climate History and Forecast"
Our global climate is a mirror of the extra-solar-energy transfer to our Solar System.
From the new paradigm:
1) Unified Physics of the Cosmic Hierarchy allows us to reconstruct any past period of our global climate.
2) It allows us also to forecast any future development of the terrestrial global climate.
3) The terrestrial energy resources of humanity are very small in comparison with the cosmic energy transfer.
Part 15 "Our vibrating Earth"
The plate tectonics of the Earth's crust is a result of the Proto-Mars' impact on our Earth 3507 million years ago.
From the new paradigm:
1) A dynamic consequence of the collision of the Proto-Mars with Proto-Earth is a relative oscillation of the Earth's core.
2) The main vibration of the Earth's core oscillates along the direction of the Earth's rotation axis.
3) The tectonic drift can move the continents over hundreds of kilometers during a single period of a few million years.
Special Part 2 "Cosmic Clock and Cosmic Timescale"
Construction of an extremely precise Cosmic Clock showing all cosmic "hours" since the Moon formation till now.
From the new paradigm:
1) The Cosmic Timescale is a precise protocol of the temporary run of all cosmic happenings.
2) The accuracy of the Cosmic Timescale remains the same high on all levels of the Cosmic Hierarchy.
3) The precision of the Cosmic Timescale depends only on the measurement accuracy of the Planck constant.
Part 14 "Antipodal correlation on Moon"
Antipodal correlation of the Moon's maria and the impact craters of level 8 of the Cosmic Hierarchy of our Solar System.
From the new paradigm:
1) The Mare Orientale, the evidently youngest of the impact craters of level 8, can only be 259.2 Myr old.
2) We hope that the Chinese exploration of the far side will confirm the age of at least one of the impact craters.
3) The antipodal correlation on the Moon strengthens our conviction that it is a universal effect.
Part 13 "Birth of our Moon 3507 Myr ago"
Our Moon was created as one of the latest objects resulting from the recent quantum jump of level 9 of the Cosmic Hierarchy.
From the new paradigm:
1) Die dichotomy of the surface of Mars proves that our Moon has originated in a collision of Proto-Mars with Proto-Earth.
2) The continuous shortening of the tropical year proves that Earth comes closer and closer to the center of mass in Venus.
3) The past glaciations of the surface of Earth confirm the Earth's long way since the Moon's formation till today.
Part 12 "Observed members of the Cosmic Hierarchy"
The most of the levels of our Cosmic Hierarchy is really well-known in astrophysics.
From the new paradigm:
1) The Cosmic Hierarchy of our Solar System is an observationally confirmed matter of fact.
2) The Kuiper-Belt objects are mainly the Trojans of the center of mass of the damaged Andrea star.
3) The Oort-Cloud should be unified with the Kuiper-Belt or completely abandoned.
Part 11 "Theoretical levels of the Cosmic Hierarchy"
The Cosmic Hierarchy of our Solar System is a quantized energetic ladder with continuously growing levels.
From the new paradigm:
1) Milky Way is not a galaxy; it is an energy bridge between two highest levels of the Cosmic Hierarchy.
2) The Cosmic Hierarchy makes possible an optimal balance between the periods of disturbance and undisturbed evolution.
3) The Cosmic Hierarchy is a hierarchy of periods which drive the geological and biological evolution of Earth.
Part 10 "The idea of the Cosmic Hierarchy of the Sun"
The Cosmic Hierarchy of the Sun is the new vision of our near and far neighbourhood in Cosmos.
From the new paradigm:
1) The Cosmic Hierarchy is a complex of energetic structures with gradually growing dimensions and quantum cycles.
2) Our Cosmic Hierarchy contains 9 visible today levels of the energetic connections.
3) The entire Cosmic Hierarchy is quantized with a single cosmic quantum number, cqn = 1.3662081.
Part 9 "The birth of the present Solar System"
The birth of our present Solar System in a huge cosmic catastrophe 3507 millions years ago.
From the new paradigm:
1) Jupiter is not a planet; it is a core of a dwarf-star.
2) Ganymede, Callisto, and Titan are not moons; they are proto-planets of that broken-up star.
3) Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are not planets, too; they are also the remnants of the breaking catastrophe.
Part 8 "The birth of our primary Solar System"
Our Sun was born in a two-star system belonging to our huge Cosmic Hierarchy.
Special Part 1 "Can 5G Network become harmful?"
Can 5G network become harmful? The erroneous traditional interpretation of the electromagnetic spectrum of radiation leds us to wrong conclusions.
Part 7 "Unified Physics of the Solar System"
The single observational constant necessary to define the whole of our Unified Physics is the mass of the cosmic cloud from which our quantized Proto-Solar System has been formed milliards of years ago.
Part 6 "The heart of the unification of science"
The most internal part of the unified sciences is the Universal Creative Potential, the source of all matter-spirit quanta in our Universe.
Part 5 "Start and the end of the unification"
The first steps and the last steps in our unification of all sciences.
Part 4 "Quantum Spectrum of all possible quanta"
The common library for all possible matter-spirit quanta in our Universe. It contains the universal level of membranes, the four lower levels of inanimate matter known also in the traditional science, as well as four higher levels of the animated matter, including the two highest, completely unknown till now levels of the brain quanta and superbrain quanta.
Part 3 "Unified Family of all physical quantities"
A persistent mystery of Nature broken through. All physical quantities, with their constants and units, can be described by means of a simple definition composed of 20 letters and 2 numbers.
Part 2 "New scientific paradigm"
What is a scientific paradigm? Why we have to change it exactly in our days? The Unified Physics allows us to radically simplify our vision of the Universe.
Part 1 "Introduction"
The first in history of science unified description of the entire Nature presented in a series of videos on every next Friday.