The Tuscany Dialogues Commented

2019 appeared the book by Ervin Laszlo and Michael Charles Tobias entitled:
"The Tuscany Dialogues; The Earth, our Future, and the scope of Human Consciousness".

The present series of 12 short videos is my own contribution to this conversation.

You can also contribute through your comments to these videos,
or to the book itself on the website of The Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research.


In this Part 12 of my comments to "The Tuscany Dialogues", we follow the authors’ discussion about the previous great civilizations of our ancestors.

From the new paradigm:

1. The Cosmic Hierarchy of our Solar System, with her cosmic jumps, is necessary for the evolution of higher developed forms of life on Earth.

2. The super-brains of the largest mammals are necessary for the development of our global consciousness.

3. The Unified-Physics definitions of our individual and global consciousness are necessary for a further progress in our understanding them.


In this Part 11 of my comments to "The Tuscany Dialogues", we follow the authors’ discussion about the collective wisdom of humankind.

From the new paradigm:

1. Scientists need to be vocal activists. Our biological lifelines are dissipating, and our hopes for the future are narrowing. (M. Ch. Tobias)

2. There is continuity in the kingdom of life through many, very many lifetimes. We possess the collective wisdom of humankind. (E. Laszlo)

3. It is our global consciousness that originates in our super-brains, and in the super-brains of all larger animals.


In this Part 10 of my comments to "The Tuscany Dialogues", we follow the authors’ discussion about the so-called “overpopulation problem”.

From the new paradigm:

1. We are devastating our planet above any reasonable limit. But, on a long scale, we are not the sole cause of the present mass-extinction.

2. The natural multi-generational family is the proper level, where we have to start to optimize our present evolutionary change.

3. We have to accept the new-paradigm science, in order to better understand what is going on in our future on the cosmic scale.


In this Part 9 of my comments to "The Tuscany Dialogues", we follow the authors’ discussion about the possible extinction of our Species.

From the new paradigm:

1. The old structures cannot be broken by power other than
the natural power of evolution.

2. The only natural possibility to accelerate the necessary change
lies in the demographic “drying out” of all older generations.

3. If the young generation stop her supporting of the old
“leading elements”, they will have nothing to lead soon.


In this Part 8 of my comments to "The Tuscany Dialogues", we follow the authors’ discussion about the goal of evolution.

From the new paradigm:

1. The creation of Cosmic Hierarchy is the precondition for the possibility
to give the Earth enough time to evolutionary develop human beings.

2. Only the super-brain quanta are large enough for the energetic connections
between individuals, which we traditionally experience as feelings.

3. The reason for the present (and final) mass extinction is coming in several
million years end of the running step of level 9 of our Cosmic Hierarchy.


In this Part 7 of my comments to "The Tuscany Dialogues", we follow the authors’ discussion about the life as a universal force.

From the new paradigm:

1. The biophysical and ecological conditions for higher than viruses
living organisms are given probably only here, on our Earth.

2. The Proto-Mars Proto-Earth collision 3.5 milliard years ago, has forced
the primitive organisms to evolve to higher forms of life on Earth.

3. Universe is a structure formed by energy, but not by information alone,
because there is no information transfer without an energy transfer.


In this Part 6 of my comments to "The Tuscany Dialogues", I am simply quoting (with just minimal additions by myself) the authors' interesting discussion about the evolution of life on Earth, simply to show the reason, why we have to read this fascinating book.

From the new paradigm:

1. One first has to feel the direction in which one wants to move;
first, we have to become a different human being. (E. Laszlo)

2. By means of Unified Physics, we are able to write down a precise
schedule for our “ecological journey” through the next centuries.

3. Unless we quickly become agents of resurrection within
the context of our one species … we are paleo-history.


In this Part 5 of my comments to "The Tuscany Dialogues", I am commenting the authors discussion about the necessary waking up the society, and about the necessary revision of our traditional ideas.

From the new paradigm:

1. Sometimes people need someone to wake them up with a “Hey, wait a moment” minute (M. Ch. Tobias).

2. We have to have the humility to turn around, and to embrace the wisdom
of our ancestors in many regards (M. Ch. Tobias).

3. We all have to revise our idea of what is “mind” and what is “matter”
in the universe and what is the interaction between them (E. Laszlo).


In this Part 4 of my comments to "The Tuscany Dialogues", the authors discuss the advantages of the Jain's cosmology over our own traditional cosmology, the possible explanations for mass extinctions and for harmony in our world, as well as the sense (or nonsense) of the travels beyond Earth.

From the new paradigm:

1. Cosmic Hierarchy of our Solar System is the looked for
"cosmic operating system" including human beings.

2. Every global extinction of living organisms is always a natural
final process at the end of the corresponding period of life.

3. Humanity has no future outside our Earth.


Ervin Laszlo supposes that what is happening in our Universe is governed and decided by information; information should be basic to the world. The Unified Science suggests that what is happening in our Universe is governed and decided by energy transfer between different matter-spirit quanta building the Cosmic Hierarchy of our Solar System, including the evolution of higher forms of life wherever the necessary conditions could be reached.

From the new paradigm:

1. Space and time cannot exist independently of our Universe.

2. Every single Matter-Spirit Quantum in our Universe
is also the source of the cosmic quantum energy.

3. It is necessary to have a huge Cosmic Hierarchy in order
to make the evolution of life on Earth possible.


Are we really improving as a species? Is there something greater than us? We traditionally thought that we can choose to look at the world at different levels of resolution, for example, the level of the quantum. In the Unified Science we have no choice. We have to think in quantum resolution, because every single level of our Universe is a quantum level.

From the new paradigm:

1. We have to accept that our entire Universe
is quantized and its every single level is a quantum level.

2. All structures in our Universe are emerging from the same ground
of the universal nanoparticles forming the primordial membranes.

3. The challenges standing before us can be managed only due to
a common effort of all national. continental, and global societies.


2019 appeared the book by Ervin Laszlo and Michael Charles Tobias entitled:
"The Tuscany Dialogues; The Earth, our Future, and the scope of Human Consciousness".

In the Preface to this book Ervin Laszlo writes:
"Evolving our thinking and our consciousness is a precondition of creating a better world, and dialoguing on the issues that confront us is a key to evolving our thinking and our consciousness. Let the conversation begin. Michael and I are ready to talk to each other, and to all who wish to join us, wherever they may be."
The present series of several short videos is my own contribution to this conversation. You can also contribute through your comments to these videos, or to the book itself on the website of The Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research.
Our Global Consciousness contains also your individual consciousness.
Let us follow some parts of the dialogue and give our corresponding comments to it.

From the new paradigm:

1. There is no a directionality of consciousness being active across the entire Universe.

2. But there is a natural (astrophysical) directionality in the evolution of life on our Earth.

3. However, this directionality of evolution can be now changed (positively or negatively) through our conscious activities.