The Englishman Roger Whittaker, who sang German, died a few days ago at the age of 87. One of his best-known songs bears the title that I have adopted for this article ("Abschied ist ein scharfes Schwert"; Farewell is a sharp sword).
No matter how tough you seem to be, saying goodbye to beloved family members, friends or even pets is always difficult. You can rarely prepare yourself for a "goodbye forever". On the other hand, every living being (on the levels above bacteria) has to die at some point. Is there no prognosis, no prediction? Unfortunately not.
But ...

There is a way of identifying the specific periods in each life when death is much more likely than otherwise. The energy consumed by an organism is not the same every day. This consumption changes periodically, at regular intervals, in the periods of a cosmic clock that sets a cosmic rhythm for all events in the universe. This clock can be visualised as shown in the diagram below.

A cosmic hour of level 1 lasts 7,584 years (approximately 7 years and 7 months). The corresponding level 2 hour lasts 92.1 years, i.e. 12.1428 times longer. This scaling factor 12.1428 is always the same for the entire clock (and for the entire visible universe). If we extend the cosmic hour of level 2 seven more times by the same factor, we calculate the longest hour of the cosmic clock, hour of level 9 (one full revolution of hand 8 of the upper clock), which the Earth itself experiences. This hour lasts 3584.6 million years. At the beginning of this period, the Earth "got" its moon and the evolution of life on it began. As we can see in the diagram below, the beginning of this current cosmic hour of level 9 took place 3506.673 million years ago. This means that today this hour is already coming to an end quite soon. In less than 78 million years, our solar system as we know it today will no longer exist; it will "die".

But that is not the topic of this article. What interests us today is this energetic progression of each cosmic period, including the periods of stages 2 and 1.

This means that our body interacts most effectively with its environment (in effect - with the universe) at the beginning of each hour 2 of our life (i.e. at our conception and birth), and also at its (theoretical) end, 92.1 years later. When this interaction becomes increasingly too taxing on our individual bodies, we die earlier, most often at the end of an earlier hour of stage 1. The theoretical energetic progression of a stage 2 life is shown in the following image.

Armed with this information about the lives of our loved ones, we can determine at least the periods of increased "risk" of death for each of them. For example, my critical points in life look like this:

In April 2022, I still happily survived my tenth level 1 cosmic hour. Of course, I could also die tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but the next period of increased probability for this won't come for me until late summer 2029. That reassures me somehow. I still have time for a few more posts like this for my blog. And I also still have time to think about who in particular I would like to say goodbye to personally, or who I would like to be able to say goodbye to. We owe each other such considerations, especially in the circle of our loved ones (and pets), don't you think?