For several thousand years, all of humanity has had a very serious psychological problem. We suffer from a collective trauma after the extremely dramatic events that accompanied the birth of our own Genus (and Species), Homo sapiens Sapiens [The next post (UP. 38) of this blog is about the necessary trauma therapy.]. An earlier dramatic period of this kind accompanied the birth of the previous human Genus, Homo sapiens Neanderthalensis, which theoretically reached its peak 171,622 years ago. These are the last two quantum leaps of our Cosmic Hierarchy of level 5, which, according to the Cosmic Clock of this hierarchy, occur regularly every 164,878 years.
The quantum leaps of the smaller level 4, which are drawn in between on the upper diagram, come with a hundred times smaller amount of cosmic energy, which they bring with them to Earth. Nevertheless, even this level of events leaves such traces on Earth as the Barringer crater in Arizona, which was created 49,417 years ago.

But it was almost certainly just one of the simultaneous cosmic impacts on Earth. The global environmental catastrophe associated with them forced the Neanderthals of the time to undergo the next evolutionary adaptation, which produced new Species in different parts of the world. For example, after the next such step 4 jump (13,578 years later; see the table under the Cosmic Clock above), the Cro-Magnon Species emerged in Europe, which we admire today mainly thanks to their cave paintings. After another quantum leap of level 4 (with its peak 22,261 years ago), the last completed Species of the Neanderthals emerged. I call them the Regular Atlants because they founded such magnificent civilisations on all continents of the Earth, like Plato's Atlantis in the Mediterranean (see the diagram below).
Since the beginning of the existence of this Species, its members lived like in paradise. Global warming, heralding the next quantum leap of level 5, was already underway. The last glaciers were giving way to new plants and animals. Animals and humans had an abundance of food and space to live in. They grew bigger and longer-lived. With larger bodies, they also had larger skulls that could house their superbrains. They communicated with each other with the energy of their superbrain quanta, i.e. with the energy of feelings (instead of the low-energy thoughts that arise in our brain).
At the end of the life cycle of this Species (when the last level-4 quantum leap of the entire lifespan of the Neanderthal Genus was approaching), however, things became increasingly uncomfortable. Around the year 6658 BCE, life on Earth was threatened by the same events that had previously led to the formation of the Barringer Crater. This time, however, all the more so because the entire Solar System had already plunged into the level 5 energy bridge. I am sure that the clever elite members of the Regular Atlants knew full well that their life cycle, and that of the entire Neanderthal Genus, was coming to an end. They wanted to prepare their evolutionary descendants for the dire times ahead. They observed the rapidly increasing number of physically and mentally disabled children in their own Species. Perhaps they even knew (or at least suspected) that the number of deformities would continue to increase as a result of the increasing high-energy radiation of the Earth. They encouraged the construction of huge places of worship, such as Göbekli Tepe in southern Turkey.
But they also took numerous practical protective measures. They knew that the deformed individuals were mainly travelling in an unorganised manner. So the others, the healthy people, would have to organise themselves into larger groups. They would have to be able to defend themselves. To do that, however, they would have to restrict their previous freedom of movement, they would have to settle down and build defences. To do that, they would also have to make some animals and plants ‘settle down’ too, in other words domesticate them. Finally, they left behind the next Species of the Neanderthal Genus to live and then they died out (as planned). However, this last Species had no chance of living in paradise any more. A real hell awaited them on Earth. They had only one evolutionary task: to ensure the survival of the Homo sapiens Family, if possible. In practice, this meant that these, as I have called them, Evolutionary Atlants, were to accompany the birth of the next Genus of the Family. They did it; we are here today. We must be eternally grateful to them for that. But we must also understand the great price they had to pay for it.
The cosmic impacts of level 5 bring about a hundred times more energy to Earth than the impacts of level 4. Let's try to imagine this. The impactors come in flocks. Most of them hit the oceans. The immediate consequences are the earthquakes of magnitude 10 and higher and the tsunamis with a wave height of around one kilometre (!) on all continents and their shores. Within minutes, they destroy all civilisations, which preferably settled on these shores. In addition, there are worldwide forest fires and volcanic eruptions. The later consequence is the environmental catastrophe: the permanent winter as a result of the permanent darkening of the atmosphere, the failure of the food chain of plants, animals and humans. The mass extinction was almost final.
Only in the higher areas of the Earth's surface, which were not directly affected by impacts or volcanic eruptions, could scattered groups of the Evolutionary Atlants escape. Despite their unimaginable hardship, they somehow survived these hundreds of years. I suspect that two aspects of their world at that time helped them to do so. They themselves must have been very long-lived (individuals that could live for several centuries). And they would have to live in a matriarchal society so that the first children of the new Species would have a chance to grow up and raise healthy offspring.
The last of the Evolutionary Atlants (including the last individuals of the Species Homo sapiens Neanderthalensis) would have to have lived for several centuries after the peak of the stage 5 quantum leap (in 4720 BCE). Only in this way can we explain how the first representatives of our new Species, Homo sapiens Sapiens, survived the first millennium of the new era; who protected and fed them as children? I have named this mixed group of people the Survivors of Atlantis to make it clear that our entire Species, which populates the world today, is to be understood as the direct descendants of the magnificent civilisations of the Regular Atlants.
Due to the traumatising events of the thousands of years between the construction of the Göbekli Tepe cult site (12,000 years ago) and the beginning of ancient Old-Egypt culture (3600 BCE), aggressiveness, competitive envy, greed, brutality, wars and even mass murder have become established in our first civilisations to this day. To end this trail of blood in our own history, we must first recognise and understand the trauma. Only then will we hopefully be able to recognise the senselessness of such behaviour and eliminate it. We owe it not only to our children, but also to the last Neanderthals. Their great efforts should not have been in vain.