13. Quantum Spectrum of Matter-Spirit describes the whole of life.

13. Quantum Spectrum of Matter-Spirit describes the whole of life.

The Quantum Spectrum of Matter-Spirit is a library of all possible quantum states of our Universe. It consists of states on nine separate levels. The origin of all other states is the level of membranes of the Universal Quantum Field. A membrane is based (materially) on two-dimensional extension (the quantum area) and (spiritually) on two-dimensional experience (the quantum period). Above the level of membranes, we have the tissue quanta, the nerve cells, the brain quanta, and the largest of all, the superbrain quanta. Below the level of membranes, there are the levels of molecules, atoms, atomic nuclei, and the smallest of all, the quarks. The smallest quanta have the highest energy density, but the lowest amount of energy in a single quantum. Reversely, the superbrain quanta have the lowest energy density, but they consume an enormous energy in a single quantum.

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