The practical way for the human mission understanding cannot be realized without a detailed answer to some fundamental questions: What has forced the begin of the series of the Great Civilizations of the human race? What has happened to our Cosmic Hierarchy about seven thousand years ago? And first of all: Where did the deep knowledge about the Cosmos, including the spiritual wisdom and the ancient holistic medicine, come from? Why has all this fantastic knowledge been seemingly lost for so many millennia?
None of these fundamental questions can be answered by means of our traditional science of the 20th century. Because I see no way to modify the traditional physics - the base of the traditional science, medicine and technique - I have started from the very beginning again, theoretically creating the new description of our Universe from the absolute minimum of the physical axioms. If you will follow me here, you will learn that we need just a single physical quantity for this purpose. We do not have to assume anything else but a Oneness, a potential to create all those wonderful things composing the observable Universe.
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