UP9. A word on super-humanity

(The epilogue to the book by Peter Jakubowski "Our illusory physics", from 2014; the original book for viewing online.)

Let us briefly reflect on our hopes and fears for the near future.

A hundred years ago, there were about one billion people in the world. Now we are more than seven billion. If we are to believe most media reports, our future looks bleak and desperate. There is a big problem with the style in which we live today. Some say that we are "borrowing" the planet from our grandchildren if we keep this style. Native Americans once described our global situation very aptly: "Only when the last tree is cut down and the last river poisoned will they understand that they cannot eat money".

In this context, there are many unanswered questions. What are our tasks and obligations towards future generations, what do we owe them, what do we owe the future? The first, perhaps still naïve answer is that we all have the responsibility to be a good "teacher" for the next generations. We need to teach them the right core values. But how do we know that what we do now will have a positive impact on the future?

I think we need to trust Nature again and use the same new paradigm that, as we have shown in this book, describes our past and our present situation on Earth much better than any other view has done so far. First of all, we can consider a kind of super-humanity as the next step in our biological and social evolution, which will allow us to use our "super-brain" quanta to solve our future global problems.

For example, let's start with the following "definition" of a superhumanity (quoted from the book by Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan, "What is life?", University of California Press, 1995, p. 235). "Superhumanity is neither a simple collection of humans nor something other than aggregated humans and their devices. Plumbing, tunnels, water pipes, electric wires, vents, gas, air-conditioning ducts, elevator shafts, telephone wires, fiber-optic cables, and other links enclose humans in a rapidly growing net. The way superhumanity behaves is in part the result of uncountable and unaccountable economic decisions made by people - singly and in groups - within the context of an increasingly planetary capitalism. 'The problem with money,' says a character in a recent film, 'is that it makes us do things we don't want to do'. Whether or not superhumanity's tendencies are conscious beyond us, individual humans should not be surprised if the aggregate of planetary humanity shows unexpected, emergent, seemingly purposeful behaviours. If brainless bacteria merged into fused protists, which cloned and changed themselves over evolutionary time into civilisation, what spectacle will emerge from human beings in global aggregation? To deny the existence of superhumanity by insisting it is merely the sum of human actions is like claiming that a person is merely the sum of the microbes and cells that constitute the body."

Next, however, we must realise that according to our new paradigm, such a super-humanity must also be understood as a quantised entity. And this is where we touch the really serious problem of our way of life today. What is a quantum of super-humanity? What is a quantum of human life at all? The answer seems simple: it is a family, a union of father, mother and at least two children who live healthy and long enough to give birth and a good education to the next generation, and the next, and so on, who are able to make good choices for their own lives and futures. If we do not manage to return to the old routine of such a "family quantum of life" (but without the mistakes of the past, such as "despotic" or, on the other hand, "far too kind" parents), we can forget all further attempts to create a healthy and prosperous foundation for the life of the next generations on our planet.

The first practicable step, I think, might be to count the nations of the present world not by the number of their citizens but by the number of healthy families living in a nation or country. Then we would immediately see, for example, that neither a one-child idea nor a as-many-children-as-possible idea leads us on the right path to the future.

We cannot shift the responsibility for our actions onto Nature, but we can learn from her even more than before, much more.

UP10. Real extinction Example: Germany tomorrow

(Appendix 3 to the 2014 book by Peter Jakubowski "Atlantis of the Neanderthals"; the original book for reference online.)

If we look 20-30 years into the future, what difference can we assume between the "Germany of today" and the "Germany of tomorrow"?

Five years ago, George Friedman, founder of the American geopolitical intelligence agency Stratfor, wrote in his bestseller "The Next 100 Years" that Germany's role in Europe would sink below that of Poland in a few decades. He cited Germany's catastrophic demographic development as the main reason.

One might think that five years is too short a period for a demographic change. But this is a mistake. And this mistake will be repeated in German politics, including family policy. In just five years of uninterrupted political inaction, you have lost an entire generation of children in primary schools (four-year-olds). You have missed an opportunity to re-educate the teachers in these schools. The result is that after these five years, these teachers are five years behind the world development; the world has taken a big step in a new direction called "globalisation". German family and education policy has not moved. And those who stand still are indeed going backwards.

An even bigger problem for the German nation, however, is that it cannot accept that its demographic "extinction" could very soon become irreversible.

In German documents I have only found a brochure "Familien in Deutschland; Zahlen und Fakten" (Families in Germany; Facts and Figures) by Heribert Engstler & Sonja Menning of the German Centre for Gerontology, Berlin, December 2004, with a foreword by Renate Schmidt, Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. It is strange to read this foreword, which is addressed more to an "international community" than to the German citizens who are simply dying out. Of course, most of the sentences in this preface sound good and even wise. But they seem more reassuring or even comforting than alarming, which would be much more necessary.

Thus we read there: "Developments such as the change in family structures, the growing number of families of different ethnic origins and the current demographic processes have a fundamental impact on social security systems. Developments in this area are not limited to the national context, but are global phenomena. We live in a time of internationalisation and globalisation and the associated mobility leads to different forms of living together. Amidst all the upheavals and innovations, however, there is one constant factor: the family. Today, the family has many more facets than in earlier times; in addition to the married couple family with children, there are a large number of non-marital families, single parents and families consisting of several households. However, the changes in outward form do not change the fact that the family is still the core element of society. The family is and remains the basic model for lived public spirit, so that only a family-friendly nation is a nation with a future. That is why the acceptance of the family is an essential political credo - in Germany and in the world." (So far I agree; but the right alarm signal is still missing that compels immediate action. In the following, Madam Minister addresses the international context of the current situation worldwide in order to "promote international debate on this issue"; P.J.)

The brochure was written ten years ago (i.e. 2004; P.J.). And what has changed in Germany since then? Only one thing, as far as I know, the extinction rate has accelerated. Is that still no cause for concern? Apparently not.

Let's compare the freely available data. In the government statistics of the USA we find the following figures:

Married couple households 2010 total: 56,510,377 (2010); for comparison: 54,493,232 (2000); 58,000,000 (2013);

Couples of same race or same Hispanic origin total: 51,141,342 (2010); 50,452,248 (2000); 52,000,000 (2013).

In the document "C1. Household relationships and marital status of children/1 under 18, by age and sex: 2013" we find the following:

Total under 18 in the family: 68,003,000 (2013).

From this data we can calculate: => 68 million children in 52 million married couple households leads to the conclusion: 1.3 children/healthy household (USA; 2013). This means that 1.3 children per healthy American household have the chance to be lovingly supported as they start their adult lives and then still see a good reason to start a family of their own and support their own children in the same way. In purely mathematical terms, even the figure of 1.3 children per family seems too low for a secure future development, but that is an American problem.

But what about Germany? The first page of the brochure mentioned reads: "The average household size in Germany has been declining for decades. It has fallen by a quarter since the 1950s. In West Germany there were 3.0 persons per household in 1955, 2.7 in 1972, and only 2.2 persons per household in 2000... Two thirds of all households in Germany are one-generation households, i.e. one-person or couple households without children. (Please read the last sentence twice or even more; P.J.) Every third household is a multi-generation household. In 2000, two generations lived in 12.6 million households, which is 33 percent of all households. Multigenerational households in Germany consist almost exclusively of two-generation households, i.e. families with parents and children. Only 0.3 million households (0.8 % of all households) house 3 or more generations. Grandparents, parents and children living under one roof are thus a shrinking minority of all households."

As we can see, our figure of 1.3 children in each "healthy" American household calculated above should be compared with a figure of 0.3 (or less) in an equivalent German household. 1.3 versus 0.3; isn't that an alarming enough signal? One can only see a truly secure future when a nation reaches the figure of about 2.5, i.e. twice the American figure and eight times the German figure. If we now add the information that every second German is already older than 45, we don't have to be a prophet and say that around 2040 (in no more than 25 years) at least one third of all German households will be empty. The second third will follow in the next one to two decades. The eastern regions of Germany are already aware of the problem. They try to minimise the situation by simply demolishing the empty houses. This is certainly not a solution to the problem.

There are about 700,000 births per year in Germany. However, the difference to the number of deaths is getting bigger and bigger. In 2012, it was around 200,000. A medium-sized city, like Kassel or Mainz, is disappearing year after year. And nobody cares? In the next 25 years, this rate will approach one million a year. And nobody cares? Yes, I do. I want to know what country my grandchildren will have to live in with their own children. Can I help them? I think that's a wrong question. I have to help them. All of us who still live in Germany have to help our children and grandchildren. And not only after the countless "international debates on this issue" sponsored by the Ministry of Family Affairs or some other bureaucratic institution. We must help now, immediately. And how? I can only contribute my own spontaneous idea. Any other idea would also be welcome.

We need to change our view of the meaning of our life here on earth. To die without younger members of one's family, but with a full account in a Swiss bank, cannot be that meaning. Even the gold of the Maya could not prevent their "extinction". If I were to become old (I mean really old, "ready to die") as the last member of my own family, my first thought would be to support some other children with all my remaining wealth and physical strength. In such a situation, even a "foreign" child should be worth more to me than my own car, even if it could be the latest "Mercedes" or "BMW". Not a single child living in a country as rich as Germany should be hungry, dirty, poorly educated, living in a cold or too small flat, with no room of their own to learn and play. Families with children had to be provided with suitable housing free of charge. Schools would have to be adapted to the children present and not to the existing bureaucratic school system. Only those teachers who are accepted by the majority of a class should be allowed to teach them. We just need to change our view much more to the children's view. Education, including discipline and behaviour, is meaningless if it is done against the expectations of the children.

You can expand the idea yourself, but we need to actually change our view, preferably today. The only realistic option for tomorrow could be: "Good-bye Germany".

UP11. Our souls are our origin

Our souls are our original beings that created our bodies and minds.

Our universe, including all living organisms, is made up of matter-spirit quanta (with their material, spatial extension and spiritual, temporal experience) created directly out of the Universal Creative Potential (or Creativeness, Oneness). A smaller part of this Universal Creative Potential has historically been called the "soul". Every living organism has its own soul as its primary being, its own origin. It gives origin to all the matter-spirit quanta that make up the body of that organism and create its spirit. So, contrary to the traditional view, our Unified Science suggests that it is our soul that creates our body and our mind, and not that our body, which is supposed (and not understood) to have evolved from an immaterial origin, receives its soul in an even more mysterious process. Our soul cannot die with our body; it returns to the Universal Creative Potential, as an energetic "imprint".

This Creativeness generates the other physical properties of our universe.

In the course of the centuries of development of natural science, man has defined all physical quantities, units and constants. At first, however, it was not noticed that they are all only a derivative of the original Universal Oneness, the Quantum Creativeness. Only our Unified Physics made this step possible. You can read about how the whole of physics was developed from the table below, and from it, the Unified Science, and in the end, the Universal Philosophy, on this website.

UP12. The desired world administration

(Quote from the book by Peter Jakubowski: "Ich, Du, und Wir Alle"; p. 257; you can read directly in the book how the individual proposals are to be understood and realised).

C3. World administration

In these times of environmental crisis, corona crisis and humanity crisis (as in Afghanistan these days), we should be concerned first and foremost with overcoming our traumas, both cosmic and social, which we described earlier in this appendix. But lest the book end, as many others have before it, on a merely venturesome note that will not move any of the readers to a personal reaction, I give below a list of the most urgent practical tasks that our world community of tomorrow and the day after will have to do. It is, of course, my subjective choice of tasks. But it would be nice and useful if you, as readers, could also give your opinion, or add to it, by commenting on my website (see the cover of the book). The youth in 50, 60 years' time who must, and will, bear the burden of these tasks are our grandchildren. It is in their name that we must think and act today.

We ended the previous appendix with the following sentence: One of our most urgent tasks is to shift from the idea of world domination to the idea of world governance. We must understand that the world is not our property. It has only been given into our care, so to speak. Every next generation has an equal right to live on earth with full dignity, not just as a clean-up crew after our generation of egoists. So what else do we have to do before we will leave the world?

Here are my medium-term proposals.

1. The Earth belongs to us all.
2. The air and water belong to us all.
3. The land belongs to us all.
4. Voting rights for all citizens.
5. Housing rights for all.
6. Food for all.
7. No more private banks.
8. No more wars.
9. New structures of the judiciary, executive and political parties.
10. No more private weapons.
11. Factories stay in the owners' country.
12. No more rubbish.
13. No more factory farming.
14. No more anonymity on the internet.

C4. Immediate necessary activities

Finally, we list the organisational immediate measures for the world of the near future which appear necessary from the point of view of Unified Science and which must be implemented urgently, that is, as of now. First of all, we must assume that Germany, as the model country in the development of family democracy, must assume a pioneering role. At the same time, however, efforts should be made to realise the idea worldwide as soon as possible.

15. All people are equal.
16. Free education for all.
17. Healthy life for all.
18. Equal money for equal people.
19. Environmental degradation is criminal.
20. Tax havens are criminal.
21. Nursing professions must become attractive.
22. Educational professions must become attractive.
23. No old subject matter in schools.
24. Universal Philosophy instead of Physics.
25. No more bullying.

If you have your own proposals and suggestions on the task of restructuring our world community, you are welcome to participate in an online discussion. We don't have much time to give away. So see you soon.