The ozone hole as an indicator of the global climate change
(This older article has been cited here from Naturics-Archive once more, because after 12 years since its first publication an experimental confirmation has been recently found that our intuitive suggestion was very close to reality indeed.)
The message (from the years 1998-2004) |
Let's observe the following series of the titles of the articles over the ozone hole, which has appeared in only one single database in the last six years: 1. Low ozone concentration over Europe (08.04.98) 2. Longer than expected (29.09.98) 3. It was never as big as today (08.10.98) 4. The others are to blame always for the ozone hole (14.06.99) 5. No reason to calm down (08.10.99) 6. Whirl around a hole (07.12.99) 7. When are the limits reached? (21.02.00) 8. Ozone hole once again on record-size (12.09.00) 9. Smaller ozone hole no ray of hope (25.04.01) 10. Antarctic ozone hole is there again (19.09.01) 11. How big does the ozone hole become? (20.09.01) 12. Antarctic ozone hole as big as in the last three years (17.10.01) 13. Ozone hole until 2040 closed? (31.05.02) 14. Antarctic ozone hole breaks into two parts (24.09.02) 15. Ozone hole over South-pole smaller than in previous years (01.10.02) 16. For optimism too early; light recuperation of the ozone-layer (30.07.03) 17. Antarctic ozone hole widens itself dramatically (22.08.03) 18. This year second-biggest ozone hole (26.09.03) 19. Ozone hole over the Antarctica shrunk about one fifth (04.10.04) |
The commentary of Naturics |
One clearly sees from the listing above that slowly - from the 5th and 6th title in the year 1999 - the doubts at the prophecy of the continuous disastrous growth of the ozone hole creep in. Because the authors of the database belong to the advocates of the hypothesis of the people-made global warming, they warn of course in title 9, that also a shrinking ozone hole can awaken no hope. Then however, suddenly follows the „heretical" title 13. Could it actually be a self-closing ozone hole? One must already admit in 2002 that the hole splits into two parts (title 14), what could mean nothing other than an attenuation of the prior tendency. It gets in the year 2003 a little after, it "widens itself dramatically" (title 17), however not as strong as the "alarmists" has wished it to see. And the ozone hole has shrunk in 2004 unequivocally. Well! And today, in the summer 2005? Still no a "pleasant" new record to report? Let's wait. The Nature won't leave the "better-knowing" persons in a disappointment, would it?Can you still remember? The hysteria about the climatic catastrophe has begun with the discovery of the ozone hole over the Antarctica, hasn’t it? And why did one discover the ozone hole at all? Do you know no longer? Not therefore, because it has suddenly appeared from nothing or because it has started to threaten the life on the Earth notably. No, not from such simple reasons. The reason was even much simpler in reality, exactly to say primitive. One simply has launched a new detector of the ozone-gas to the orbit around the Earth. The appliance had had to measure something. In the course of the months one has noticed an alteration of the concentration of the ozone-gas over the Antarctica. The "ozone hole" has set out in our heads then for the first time.
It widens and shrinks in the Nature for a long time now. It always rises in the antarctic winter - ever the more, the warmer the winter - and closes itself in the spring again. Its expansion is seemingly directly dependent on the global temperature of the Earth's surface. During the "ice ages", it probably remains the whole year closed. We are going toward a new "ice age". Therefore, the ozone hole must soon, after 2025-2030, remains closed completely. Let's simply wait and learn "Naturics", in order to be able to better understand the Nature. |
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The title of the newest report from 5th November 2017 is:
"The Earth's Ozone Hole Is Shrinking And Is Now The Smallest It's Been Since 1988".
Let us leave it without any further comments. Let us wait a little more.
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