UP26. The used knowledge must go!

The motto of this year's "Secret Santa" in our family was: "Used Things". This drew me to the concept of "used knowledge". We're talking about knowledge here, about understanding "why?" as opposed to skills, or knowledge "how?" Being able to ride a bike is a skill. Understanding why a cyclist can't tip over is a knowledge.

One of the most important knowledge of mankind is that there are no absolute truths. All the knowledge of mankind has always been, is today, and will remain in the future, only a more or less extensive narrative. A story, which we acquire more and more since our childhood, so that we consider it as "true" in the adult age, and do not question it any more. You may now think, "But there are at least some simple truths, e.g., 'We are all human beings' ". Then we consider together whether it is really true. Do you really want to be in the same "sack" with all the dictators and other criminals of the world? Or would you rather consider them all as "inhumans"? Exactly. Each and every one of us surely knows further examples of such only apparently "absolute truths".

The knowledge about Nature, that is the understanding of the natural world around us and in ourselves, we have acquired step by step in the past. In the process, we have always further developed and deepened individual parts of this knowledge. For example, the Ptolemaic planetary system with the Earth in the center was replaced by the Copernican system with the Sun in the center. The Ptolemaic system thus became second-hand knowledge. Too much of the used knowledge became ballast over time especially for the school programs. When the knowledge is already "used up," it must be disposed of so that the new, innovative ideas can find their own place in the education of the younger generations. However, the New Knowledge should not be seen as a substitute for the Used. Only the New Knowledge has the potential to take us further forward in the study of Nature than we have been to date. Tradition is good for the history of progress. But only the New Knowledge can ensure the continuation of history for the future. To stay with the example of our planetary system, even the Copernican Solar System must now be disposed of, because I have shown that the true center of the system is not in the Sun, but in Venus.

Therefore, my main thesis today is: Everything what we have learned in our schools about the Nature can be (and must be) disposed as used knowledge almost completely. The whole knowledge about Nature (of which we are a part), can now be found in my last two books. One is the reference book: "Universal Philosophy of Life". And the second one: "I, You, and All of Us", also describes a practical proposal how we can all together survive the current century and the whole third millennium. The future generations of people will gather their own knowledge, which will also make these my ideas used knowledge. But only if we give them the chance to be born at all.

So: All the best for the future of mankind!

Christmas, 2022.

2 Kommentare

  1. This is a wonderfully provocative truth (which, people might posit, could also ultimately change, lol). It’s vital to stay limber regarding all these notions about about everything we’ve come to believe as absolute.

    What’s remarkable is that at this particularly accelerated moment in time, much of the old paradigm and previously deeply ingrained infrastructures are shifting, dissolving, breaking apart … as if revealing a stunning fresco hidden beneath epochs of paint.

    It can be destabilising for many who (understandably) seek the comfort of stability, of fixed and absolute states, of the “known”. Yet there can be reassurance and even promise in expanding newfound understanding about who on earth / what in heaven we all are if we consider this like a world of adolescents experiencing a growth spurt of challenging but stimulating “adolessons”.

    How exciting to know there is a Peter Nature walking the earth – not like a prehistoric creature but more like a Magellan alongside whose ride we can all discover a very new world indeed.

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