Chapter 2 from my latest book "Natural Structure of the World Community of the Future" Dear activists of the "Last Generation" and all other movements to "save" the climate and the environment! In principle, what you are doing is commendable; that you are making older...
Chapter 1 from my latest book "Natural Structure of the World Community of the Future" New definition of the common good On the website of the Federal Agency for Civic Education, we read the following description of the common good: "That which benefits many people is...
Used knowledge must go!The motto of this year's "Secret Santa" in our family was: "Second-hand knowledge". This drew my attention to the concept of "used knowledge". We are talking here about knowledge, about understanding "Why?", as opposed to skills or knowledge...
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In my last book ("I, You, and All of Us") I propose to return to the natural unity of every human society, the basic family. For I have recognized that all life in our universe is energetically quantized. This means that also the human groups, which are nothing else...