ET1. Jupiter and Saturn are not planets

The "gas planets" of the Solar System are not planets!

It is impossible that the four Earth-like planets of the Solar System (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) could have the same history of formation as the four so-called "gas planets" (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune). This must be obvious to us at least from comparing the real sizes of all known "planets".

Our Unified Science tells a very different story about this, but one that correlates much better with all known facts. Today's Solar System is the successor to the Proto-Solar System, which existed between 7.1 and 3.5 billion years before today.

Today's Jupiter is the nucleus of the stellar companion of the Proto-Sun, which I have called Andrea--star. Saturn is the remnant of the aggressor that fragmented the Andrea-star 3507 million years ago. Uranus and Neptune are two perpendicularly rotating "clouds of smoke" from this catastrophe. (In further news you will learn what other consequences this ancient catastrophe has had).

ET2. A double star system of the Sun

The Sun with its planets could never have been created as a single star!

Quote from the book "I, You, and All of Us" (p. 32)

It is about the formation of the Solar System. We will skip all ancient descriptions of this process and start immediately with the version accepted by all scientists today. According to this version, the Sun was formed from a cosmic cloud of cosmic dust and gas. Such a cloud typically has the shape of a disc, similar to the discus of a disc thrower. This shape is the result of the disc's own rotation, which in turn is said to be typical of all free-floating cosmic objects. Every rotating, free-floating cloud has a point at its centre, which we call the centre of rotation. The whole mass of the disc rotates around this point (more precisely, around an axis that passes through this point). And now it gets exciting. Now a physical attracting force of gravity, defined in the seventeenth century by Isaac Newton, comes into play. The individual dust and gas "particles" use this force to pull the others towards them. But since most of the "particles" are distributed around the centre of rotation (and not, for example, around a point at the edge of the disc), the whole mass of the cloud will gradually concentrate around the centre of rotation. Mind you, the whole mass of the original cosmic cloud. There is no mass left from which any other objects (such as planets or moons) could form. The mass at the centre of the disc becomes so concentrated that at some point a nuclear reaction ignites at the centre. A star is born. This, and no other, is how our Sun should have been born as a single star. Left under the carpet, however, is the silly question: where does the mass of today's planets and moons that we know orbit the Sun come from? No matter what you find as an answer to this question in the texts of traditional science, it cannot agree with Newton's law of gravitation. A single star cannot have planets. Full stop. Stupid for all traditionalists, but true.

Unified Science tells a different story about the formation of the Solar System. Our Sun was not born as a single star. It had a companion from the beginning, the remnants of which can still be seen in our Solar System today and still influence the evolution of life on Earth. I call this companion of the primordial Sun the Andrea-star. One could romantically say that the Andrea-star sacrificed its life to make the evolution of life on Earth possible... In fact, in the greatest cosmic catastrophe (stage 9) our Solar System had ever experienced, the Andrea-star was dismembered. However, it formed the present Solar System from its remnants, together with the correspondingly diminished Sun. Its former core is today's Jupiter. Saturn is the remnant of the Andrea-star's attacker. However, most of the former mass of Andrea-star still accompanies the Sun along the so-called Kuiper's Belt as its Dark Companion.

ET3. Venus at the centre of the Solar System’s mass

Not the Sun, but Venus lies in the centre of mass of the Solar System!

Since the Sun was born in a binary system (with Andrea-star), the centre of mass of the system had to be outside the primordial Sun from the beginning. There has been formed one of the possible four primordial planets of the primordial Sun, which we still see today in the same place as Venus. The Earth must therefore be orbiting both the Sun and Venus at the same time. That is why it is not true what we were told in school (and still are) that the orbit of the Earth in the solar system would be an ellipse. Instead, it is a beautiful rosette on which the Earth comes very close to Venus five times in (almost) eight years, and also has to move far away from it five times to let the Sun pass between it and Venus. The Sun also orbits Venus, and not vice versa.

Let us not be taken for fools any longer. An example of a list of the Earth's true positions in its rosette orbit is shown below. Incidentally, the kink points of the orbit, where the Earth is decelerated and accelerated, correlate naturally, and quite unambiguously, with the increasing frequency of earthquakes of the Earth's crust.

ET4. There is no Milky Way Galaxy

The brightest strip in the night sky is not a Milky Way galaxy!

The brightest strip in the night sky, which our ancestors christened the Milky Way and which astronomers of the last century have "defined" as a galaxy, is not a galaxy in its own right at all. It is a transverse view into the two energy bridges of the Cosmic Hierarchy of the Solar System, and the two highest ones we can see with the naked eye. It is the level 8 bridge (with its length of 295 million light years) and even more the level 9 bridge (with its length of 3585 million light years).

It is unfortunate that traditional science had not yet recognised our Cosmic Hierarchy. Actually, we already know all the levels of this hierarchy, except for just level 4, where we arrogantly placed our most beautiful and largest "wish galaxy" of the Milky Way. After we have recognised the really beautiful Andromeda galaxy at a distance of about 2 million light years,

it was immediately postulated that we ourselves must live in a galaxy that is no smaller and at least as beautiful. But by doing so, we have completely obstructed the recognition of the Cosmic Hierarchy of the Solar System. The extent of the fourth level of this hierarchy is only 13.5 thousand light years. Only then comes the level of the Large Magellanic Cloud (with its extension of 165 thousand light years), and only then the level 6 of the Andromeda group of galaxies, with its extension of 2 million light years.

This cosmic scaling of distances (of exactly 12.1428) also defined all the traditionally found constants of all traditional physics. Traditional science didn't notice that either. Nature is so beautifully simple when we try to understand it rather than dictate to it how it should conform to our ideas.