O9. What happened on Earth in the year -4720?

Very good question. And perhaps the most important one to understand where we come from, all the people around the world today. Since this explanation is part of what our schools have failed to tell us, I will answer your question, Przemek, in particular detail in this special article.

First, simply a quote from my latest book, "Me, You, and All of Us; Where do we come from, and how can we build a Familiar Democracy"; from pages 160-162.

"Let us now imagine the corresponding situation within the Cosmic Hierarchy in a little more detail. The Earth - together with the entire Solar System - wanders through Space (i.e. the space of the largest energetic quantum imaginable to us), in which our Cosmic Hierarchy has existed for billions of years. When a period of level n of this Hierarchy approaches its end, the Earth also comes close to the cosmic energy bridge that connects the centre of the member of level n with the centre of the higher level n+1. Such bridges hold the huge cosmic carousel together. A sketch of the cosmic energy bridges for the four lowest levels of the Solar System Cosmic Hierarchy is presented in the following figure. But each next level of the hierarchy also looks relatively similar to the sketch.

The energy bridge between levels 8 and 9 is the second most powerful in the whole hierarchy observed so far. It does not, of course, consist of individual atoms, molecules or similar "delicate" particles. It has to hold together not only whole galaxies, but also whole clusters of galaxies. So it itself consists of huge, massive chunks of cosmic matter, like comets and boulders, which fly through space in flocks of millions divided along such an energy bridge. In miniature, one can imagine such a bridge as the tail of a comet, with the difference that at the end of the comet's tail, no satellite of the comet's nucleus accompanies it.

The Earth (with the entire Solar System) thus approaches a bridge of the certain level. The number of collisions of the Earth with the bodies of the bridge gradually increases the closer the Earth gets to the "main road" of the bridge. In other words, the supply of cosmic energy to the Earth increases. From the point of view of the Earth's inhabitants, however, one would say that the number of cosmic impacts on the Earth increases. We see a schematic sketch of two quantum jumps of level n with a full period of this level between them on the diagram below."

So much for the book's general explanation of an energetic leap within our Cosmic Hierarchy of the Solar System.

Earlier in this book, however, in Chapter 8, I gave my answer to the question: "Where did We come from?" So what happened in the year -4720? Several, estimated dozens of such catastrophes as Chernobyl, Fukushima, Sumatra (tsunami), Pinatubo (volcano) and Chelyabinsk (meteorite) together, only a hundred times more energetic. And that was only the year of the theoretical peak of the last cosmic leap of stage 5, which has separated the previous period of this stage, the life period of the Neanderthal Genus (see the picture below),

from the life period of our own Genus Homo sapiens Sapiens (see below).

Exactly this peak is shown on the very chart you asked your question about:

And on the enlargement of his right side:

we can finally see our First Global Civilisation as the seventh evolutionary civilisation in the series of so-called Great Civilisations of "Modern Humanity". Of the Great Civilisations of the last three species of Neanderthals: Cro Magnon Humans, Regular Atlanteans, and Evolutionary Atlanteans, our history is silent to this day. That must change now. Also because of your question. So thank you in the name of our grandchildren and their children.

UP14. Is Paradise on Earth 2050 possible?

Today I am particularly addressing the 25(+/-10) year olds who have a chance to still be around in the full bloom of their lives in 2050. I claim that you have more reasons for optimism than for pessimism. Let us try to imagine your future together. I would go so far as to say that there is a very good chance that you will be living in paradise thirty years from now.

The conditions for this are not bad:

1. All of today's dictators are dead.
2. Most of the fraudulent banks are bankrupt.
3. All the terrible weapons of yesterday and today are scrap.
4. Global warming is no longer an issue for the next few centuries.
5. The few children you have left are finally the most important thing you have.
6) Being able to secure the happiness of these children permanently will give you the feeling of living in paradise.

It could be as simple as that. Doesn't sound utopian at all, does it? But sure, it won't happen on its own. So what would we have to do in the coming years up to 2050?

Most importantly, you finally have a plan - the renaturation of human families. You know the necessary direction - to build Familiar Democracy. And you have the opportunity to start immediately. Yes, immediately. After 16 years of Kohl, and 16 years of Merkel, something new can finally be created. We have the means to do it. The Corona pandemic has exposed the sources. When it comes to the survival of the "old guard", suddenly billions of euros are available. So why not for the survival of our species?

I would even say that you could mobilise even more money. Tell Mr Scholz, for example, to tell the Americans that we need our 2% of GDP in the next 30 years not for new weapons, but for our future. Americans should pay for their own military junk themselves. Putin has understood this. He is already displaying his own weapons today (as a deterrent?) before they become unusable tomorrow, or the day after (praise be to Nature for the rust). Tell Mrs Baerbock, too, to refuse to clean out this stable of foreign policy of the "Old White Men". Tell her to create the most important ministry of the new federal government, the Ministry of the Family, a ministry independent of all others, with the right of veto in parliament and wherever that might be useful. She could even join you, and make her own grandchildren happy. Perhaps she is already thinking of that. But is she really doing everything possible to make the dream come true? It doesn't look like it. As a foreign minister among male competitors, she cannot make anyone happy.

And if one is already thinking together (with or without Ms Baerbock) about the near future of the youth, then two changes are unavoidable. Health and education. And these are precisely the two branches of our social life that the "old guard" will never change voluntarily. There must be coercion in parliament. That's where new laws have to go.

As for health, the solution seems obvious. All people in all professions in the health sector must earn twice as much as they still do today (some perhaps even more) from now on (i.e. from 1 January 2022). The eternal whining: "We lack skilled workers" should finally be punished. "By 2030 we will lack 10 thousand skilled workers"; so what? Is nothing going to happen? So you decide: tomorrow the decision is to be made: We recruit the best trainers in these professions. The day after tomorrow, the corresponding, excellently equipped schools are to open so that after five (or more) years thousands of new people can apply for these vacancies.

As far as general education is concerned, one must proceed just as radically. In a few weeks, the best minds (sociologists, psychologists, educators, human scientists, natural scientists; but not "old" ones, with many years of experience, but ones with young minds and ideas) must present a new structure of education for our children and youth. My proposal (in my latest book) is this.

Educational professions must become attractive. The hourly wage of all teachers should be doubled. School classes should be halved. For every class of 20 pupils, there should be three teachers at the same time. One teacher for the most talented 5 pupils, one teacher for the main group of the class, and one teacher for the five slowest pupils. All three groups are beneficial to the success of the collective education and should not be separated. If the majority of students in a class are dissatisfied with a teacher, a change of teacher must be guaranteed with a maximum of one month's notice. A teacher who has been rejected twice with justification may no longer work as a teacher.

They are all feasible changes. And they are necessary if we are really serious about doing something sensible for the future of humanity. So you 25(+/-10) year olds, will you at least try to make a paradise on Earth? It already worked ten thousand years ago. So why not again in 2050? I'm pretty optimistic about that.

SO5. Callisto – the oldest primordial planet in the Solar System

On the website of the Institute of Planetary Research of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) we read:

"JUICE is an ESA mission that was selected in 2012 as the first L-class mission (L stands for 'large') within the Cosmic Vision programme. The aim is to explore Jupiter, its moons and its magnetosphere. In particular, Jupiter's moon Ganymede will be studied in detail. JUICE is thus the first mission ever to enter orbit around a moon of another planet. The launch is planned for June 2022 with an ARIANE 5 ECA launch vehicle from the European spaceport Kourou. ... After a flight time of more than 7 years, the space probe will enter an orbit around Jupiter and initially orbit the giant planet for about 3 years. During this phase, fly-bys of the moons Europa, Ganymede and Callisto will take place, which serve both scientific purposes and are necessary for orbit corrections of the space probe ('gravity assists'). In addition, Jupiter itself and its magnetosphere will be studied in detail. Afterwards, the spacecraft will enter a polar orbit around Ganymede and, in the final phase of the nominal mission, orbit it at an altitude of about 500 km. During this part of the mission, data will be collected that will show whether there is a global water ocean beneath the ice crust of Ganymede and at what depth it lies. The observations made so far for Europa and Callisto also point to oceans under the moons' ice crusts. This is why the Jupiter system, along with the planet Mars and Saturn's moons Titan and Enceladus, is of particular importance in the search for extraterrestrial life forms in the Solar System. The overall goals of the mission are (a) to explore habitable worlds in systems with a central gas giant, and (b) to explore Jupiter as an archetype of gas giants."

As Roland Milles presents on his website:

"The four largest moons of Jupiter can be observed with simple optical telescopes. Which explains why they were discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610. They are also called "Galilean moons" after their discoverer. The largest moon "Ganymede" is also the largest moon in the Solar System. On 31 May 2014, all four moons were visible next to Jupiter at 22:30. In order to show the moons in the photo, the exposure time had to be chosen a little longer, therefore Jupiter was overexposed and looks larger in the photo than it is in reality."

However, our Unified Science tells a very different story about the formation of the system of the four Galilean moons around Jupiter, Jupiter itself, and Saturn with its largest moon, Titan. As the diagram below shows,

the original companion of the primordial Sun, the Andrea-Star had also formed its four primordial planets permitted by the cosmic quantisation rules, similar to the primordial Sun itself. The primordial planets of the primordial Sun were all about 12500 km in diameter, with a density of just over 5000 kg/m³. In contrast, the primordial planets of the Andrea-Star, since they could only form at the edge of the accretion disk where relatively less material was available, were correspondingly smaller and lighter. Their average diameter was about 5000 km and their density just over 3000 kg/m³. They were, from the inside out, Ur-Io, Ganymede, Callisto, and Titan. They all formed (at the latest) 7.1 billion years ago. In the critical turbulent phase of the Solar System's existence 3.5 billion years ago, when the primordial Saturn had fatally struck the Andrea-Star and hurled its nucleus, today's Jupiter, into the interior of the primordial Solar System, today's Solar System was formed.

The primordial Io, Ganymede, and Callisto have remained true to their former centrepiece, the core of the Andrea-Star, today's Jupiter, and have migrated with it into the interior of the system. What remained of the attacking primordial Saturn, today's Saturn, still managed to capture the outermost primordial planet of the Andrea star, Titan, where it has also remained to this day.

In all the confusion, Ur-Io was unlucky and collided with another body. Perhaps it was even Ganymede, which shows clear traces of several collisions from this time. In any case, Ur-Io was dismembered. Its two largest pieces, today's Io and Europa, remained with Jupiter. The other fragments of primordial Io formed the other moons of today's Solar System. Except for our Moon, which was formed from a simultaneous collision of the also fragmented primordial Mars with the primordial Earth. According to our prehistory of the "Galilean moons", today's Callisto is the only moon of present-day Jupiter that still retains its original, 7.1 billion-year-old surface.

This leads to my fifth observation proposal here. One instrument on board JUICE is GALA-Altimeter. One of its goals is to measure elevation profiles of geological surface formations on Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto. So we would have to find a way to use one or other of the "tools" on board the JUICE spacecraft to determine the age of the moons under investigation. This would make Callisto the oldest planet in our Solar System. I am convinced of that. One would only have to somehow persuade the management of the mission to such a rethink. The first contact address would be:

Dr. Hauke Hußmann; Abteilungsleitung; DLR Institut für Planetenforschung, Berlin; Tel.: +49 30 67055-315

SO6. The Sun dances around Venus

In our first observation suggestion we learned that within 247 years the Sun makes an apparent full circle around Venus. In reality, this is only a slow shift in perspective in which we can observe from Earth the relative positions of the Sun and Venus to each other, on the background of the fixed stars. In reality, with this period of 247 years, the fragmented mass of the former Andrea-Star moves around the centre of the mass of the entire Solar System (in Venus).

The real position of the Sun must adjust to this motion so that an equilibrium of the two masses (the Sun and the former Andrea-Star) can remain motionless in relation to the common centre of mass. However, with a new JUICE mission to the Jupiter system due to launch in the summer of next year (2022), I have my 6th observational proposal for the astrophysicists of the world. The proposal is the following.

The JUICE space probe will be on its way to Jupiter for more than seven years. It would be necessary to choose a favourable phase of the flight when the probe's cameras could photograph the exact relative positions of the Sun and Venus on the background of some fixed stars. And not just once but several times (3 to 10) at intervals of about 30 days. On these photographs one will be able to see clearly (of this I am convinced) that it is not Venus that orbits around the Sun, but the other way round, that the Sun "dances" around Venus. This will be the simplest direct proof of the existence of the mass (of about 17 Jupiter masses) of the Sun's Dark Companion in the Kuiper Belt.