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Our nine thousand years trauma!

Jul, 2024
The phenomenon of children of traumatized parents being directly or indirectly affected by their parents' post-traumatic symptoms has been considered by some authors to be a secondary traumatization (in relation to the second generation). To include the third generation as well, the concept of intergenerational transmission was introduced. Building on the clinical observations of Selma Fraiberg, child trauma researchers such as Byron Egeland, Inge Bretherton and Daniel Schechter have empirically identified psychological mechanisms that favor intergenerational transmission, including dissociation in the context of attachment and “communication” of previous traumatic experiences as an effect of parental efforts at self-regulation in the context of post-traumatic stress disorder and thus changes in social cognitive processes”. ... The myths about the falling stars, the natural disasters (including the global flood), but also the giants with various physical and mental dysfunctions that preyed on the members of the new Species Homo sapiens Sapiens, are forever integrated into our cultural and religious myths. Each of us living on Earth today has heard one version or another of these myths. We are still collectively traumatized by the birth of our own Species.
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AI applied intelligently!

Sep, 2023
What is the reason for the failure of the previous way of imparting knowledge worldwide? Clearly not the bad students. Rather, it is the poorly prepared teachers. But how did this situation arise, in which teachers (on a global average) are poorly prepared for their profession, and in recent times have even become simply afraid to stand in front of their class? These fears are the result of poor training at universities and colleges of education, where professors teach who have been out of contact with schools for the longest time, who are unable to apply the rapid technical development in interpersonal communication in practice, and thus “produce” poorly prepared teachers. For a long time, it seemed impossible to break this vicious circle. But now there seems to be a good solution to this problem. ... The same must be done (I am firmly convinced of this) in the school of the near future. Teachers must be provided with appropriate software that enables each teacher to create their own avatar. I am thinking of Avatars 2.0, which do not replace the original, human teachers, but enrich them (with generally useful knowledge), strengthen their physical powers (because they never get tired), and above all - never allow them to act independently without the control of their human originals. Such an AI-supported school has several advantages.
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Nature deos not immediately punish stupidity!

Aug, 2023
The documentary shows how decades of failed forestry policy and the consequences of intensive agriculture have led to drought. Climate change has led to a lack of precipitation and hot summers, but the fact that this has led to a drought also has a lot to do with politics and lobbying.
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Diseases are never funny!

Jun, 2023
More than ten years ago, I witnessed Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen using one of his entertainment events (in Gelsenkirchen) to make fun of homeopaths, among other things. Since I was already sure then that Mr. von Hirschhausen was telling complete nonsense in this regard, I avoided all his other events and documentaries on principle. ... However, I recently saw a documentary by and with Eckart von Hirschhausen that presented him this time as totally at a loss in the face of the permanent damage that the corona pandemic has caused to many people. So there is a turning point in the trust that Mr. Hirschhausen still has in the (traditional) scientific description of nature. And rightly so.
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Weather happens in three dimensions!

Apr, 2023
These forecasts are based on the models currently used by “weathermen”. And they are extremely different. While the European model (ECMFW) predicts early summer, the Canadian model (GEM) warns of late winter. A comparison of the different forecasts shows an enormous discrepancy, from extremely hot weather to extremely cold weather. So how reliable are medium and long-term weather forecasts really? Do they still have any value for traditional climate models? Unfortunately, the answers to these two important questions are negative: current medium- and long-term weather forecasts are still very unreliable; and they are worthless for a good climate model.
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If you are going to do it, do it right!

Feb, 2023
Dear activists of the “Last Generation” and all the other movements to “save” the climate and the environment! In principle, what you are doing is commendable; you are showing older people the urgency of finding a sustainable solution to our current world problems. But let's be honest with each other. In reality, you are not a generation at all (yet), neither the last nor the next. Until you start your own families, you are members of your parents' generation. If you refuse to start your own families now and in the near future, you will make your parents' generation the last generation, at least along the family tree of your own family.
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Articles 11 to 26 are available in German or Polish blogs.

A comet hit Venus!

Dec, 2021
Our Unified Science allows us to propose a renewal of this old thesis today. It reads: the star of Bethlehem could have been a small comet that hit Venus. Venus lies at the center of mass of the entire Solar System. The unique properties of Venus are additional evidence for this. ... In the case of a small comet, the tail is not particularly bright and long, so only the “learned” eyes would recognize it.
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The greatest catastrophe of Humanity!

Dec, 2021
Now let's imagine the corresponding situation within the Cosmic Hierarchy in a little more detail. The Earth - together with the entire Solar System - wanders through space (that is, the space of the largest energetic quantum imaginable to us), in which our Cosmic Hierarchy has existed for billions of years. When a period of level n of this hierarchy is coming to an end, the Earth also comes close to the cosmic energy bridge that connects the center of the member of level n with the center of the higher level n+1. Such bridges hold together the huge cosmic carousel. ... So what happened in the year -4720? Several, estimated at dozens, of disasters like Chernobyl, Fukushima, Sumatra (tsunami), Pinatubo (volcano) and Chelyabinsk (meteorite) combined, only a hundred times more energetic. And that was only the year of the theoretical peak of the last cosmic leap of level 5, which separated the previous period of this level, the life period of the Neanderthal Genus, from the life period of our own Genus, Homo sapiens Sapiens.
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Dear Mr. Robert Habeck,

Nov, 2021
yesterday (November 25, 2021) you announced that you want to take over a ministry for “Economics and Climate Protection” in the future federal government. The results of my more than 40 years of research in the field of fundamental human questions force me to warn you: With your decision, you are making a big mistake that very soon threatens to reduce your efforts to make the world a better place to the point of ridicule. Please convert the planned ministry as quickly as possible, preferably immediately, into “the Ministry for the Economy and Environmental Protection”. Do not allow tons of documents with the wrong word “climate protection” to be printed and soon destroyed unused. Before your legislative period comes to an end, we will all be sure that we must protect the environment at all costs, but that we are in no position to “protect” the Earth's climate. The global cooling that is currently underway and will accompany us until the extinction of our generation (and even longer) is not an earthly but a cosmic phenomenon. We as humanity have no influence on cosmic energy flows, neither now nor in the future.
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The World doesn't need another Einstein!

Nov, 2021
It is important to realize that although the tree of knowledge is unlimited in size, it also has branches that are limited in length and cannot grow any more. We can probably console the disappointed Columbus successor with other life goals. The consequences of the second example I would like to present here can have much more weight. The lack of knowledge about the “impossibility of realizing dreams” in this second example costs humanity a lot of money every year, money that is spent on unnecessary scientific research projects.
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Let's establish some facts first!

Nov, 2021
1. Physics is our human, scientific description of Nature.
2. Physics is the basis of all natural sciences and technologies.
3. The unification of all conceivable branches of physics was a dream of many physicists, above all Albert Einstein.
4. I was an unusual physicist who dedicated the last 40 years to the real unification of all of physics. Today I see myself more as a universal philosopher.
5. It was a matter of time, but also of perseverance, before this unification was realized.
6. That it was I who achieved this is of secondary importance. However, it could only be realized by a real human (i.e., not by an AI or a computer simulation).
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First Global Civilisation!

Nov, 2021
The greatest civilizations of modern humans (such as Old Egypt, New Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, and the Middle Ages in the Mediterranean region) have all come to an end. What have we learned from their rise and fall? Can we save our current First Global Civilization from the mistakes of the past?
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Traditional Physics - a fairy tale for adults!

Nov, 2021
When it comes to describing the World we all live in, there are no absolute truths. We can never be sure of knowing anything for sure. We can only express conjectures and look for more or less convincing experimental confirmation of these conjectures. Traditional Physics has led us to believe that its statements as such are absolute truths. However, my Unification of Physics has shown that our scientific description of the Universe around us, and within ourselves, was just a story (yes, even something like a fairy tale for adults).
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Physics on the finishing straight!

Nov, 2021
After more than 40 years of continuous research, I have achieved what all other physicists have only dreamed of: the unification of all of physics, and thus also the unification of all general knowledge based on it. School physics is still useful as the scientific basis of “yesterday's” technology and traditional technologies. However, it is basically useless for describing the Universe in which we live. The description of the Universe and life in it can (and must) be “told” quite differently.
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Dead end of elementary particles!

Nov, 2021
Now it is slowly becoming public. Traditional physics no longer has a chance of pulling itself out of the dead end. ... It's just a shame that most traditional physicists still believe that the elementary particle physicists, of all people, who have been at the forefront of physics in running into this dead end for 40 years, should now lead the same back out again. That is a huge mistake in reasoning.
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Happy Einstein!

Nov, 2021
Albert Einstein devoted the second half of his life to the search for the one theory that could explain everything that happens in the universe. Until his death, he was still full of hope that he would find it: the “world formula”, the “theory of everything”. But his dream remained unfulfilled.
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