Climate poker is over

After Paris, Bonn, and Düsseldorf, it is time to stop the climatic poker now. The global climate change can be theoretically calculated over millennia back and ahead, and it would be a nonsense to deny it any longer.
Our theoretical reconstruction of the past climate warm and cold periods since 347 can be seen in the following diagram:

The same diagram with improved resolution for the period between 1850 and 2050 demonstrates the unique precision of the Unified-Physics calculation technique. Everyone of us remembers the ups and downs of the global temperature during our own life. The red curve here is the same as the blue one in the previous diagram.

It should be noted that these results has been obtained without any anthropogenic contribution. It is time to stop the climate debate and direct some of the remaining money to study the Unified Science, which is immediately applicable for many other important problems of our global civilization.

Universal-Force Search is Closed

After four centuries, the search for a universal force, combining the gravitational, electromagnetic, and any other thinkable kind of force, has been finally closed now (2017). Three pairs of researchers were needed to finalize this task.

The first of them consists of Galileo Galilei, who died in January 1642, and Isaak Newton, who was born just one year later, in January 1643. They are considered today as the fathers of gravity.

One of their results was the Gravity Constant GN. Unified Physics has extended it to a new physical quantity, gravity factor G, with its universal value Gu = 1040GN.

The second pair consists of James Clerk Maxwell, who died in November 1879, and Albert Einstein, who was born just a few months earlier, in March 1879. They both are considered as the fathers of the electromagnetic theory of light.

One of their results was the dielectric constant in vacuum epsilon0. Unified Physics has extended it to a new physical quantity, dielectric factor epsilon.

The third pair of the contributing scientists consists of Max Planck, who died in October 1947, and Peter Jakubowski, who was born in March 1947. Max Planck is considered as father of Quantization.

One of his main achievements is the Planck Constant h as a universal value of a quantum of action J.
Unified Physics by Peter Jakubowski has extended the quantization idea upon the entire Universe and used the quantum of action J = µ4h as a single numerical definition of the whole Unified Family of all physical quantities.

It is highly astonishing that the resulting Unified-Physics definition of the universal force F searched for so long is just a simple multiplication of the discoveries made by these three pairs of researchers which were formed apparently accidentaly:

F = G * epsilon * J.

This Unified-Physics equation
is valid anytime
and everywhere.

If you are interested in the equivalence of this expression with the Newton law of gravity, Coulomb law of the electric force, the Lorentz electromagnetic force, and other possibilities, read the book "Unified Physics" by Peter Jakubowski.

(For the book context to the above article click here.)

Life is an obligatory phenomenon in our quantized Universe

Primitive life is all over the Universe.
The basic forms of life on the level of viruses is a natural phenomenon in all regions of our quantized Universe, where the average temperature is permanently around the universal temperature of -28.8°C (or 244.4 K). It is the case on the most of exoplanets with an atmosphere.

However, we are very probably alone in our visible Universe.
An evolutionary process to higher developed life forms, above the bacteria level, up to intelligent creatures, has been probably never repeated in our Universe, with the exception of our extremely lucky case of the chain of happenings on Earth.

More details can be found on the Naturics Website or in my books.

Do you afraid the idea of the quantized Universe?

The scientific community has widely accepted the Quantum Physics of the first half ot the 20th century as an explanation of the World of natural phenomena in molecular and atomic dimensions. Below them, in the nuclear and subnuclear dimensions, as well as above them, in the "macro-world", this Quantum Physics has not found any applications.

Do you really believe, Nature is organized in such a perplexing, more directly saying - crazy manner, reserving its most intriguing and fascinating phenomena just for a small (invisible for us) range of the natural objects?

One of the fundamental axioms of the new scientific paradigm is:
The whole Universe, in all its processes and phenomena, is perfectly quantized.
Are you ready to accept such a scientific basis?

(Please use the comment field just below for your answer to that important question.)