O2. Physics at a dead end

Physics in a blind alley! Finally it becomes public!

Now it is slowly becoming public. Traditional physics no longer has a chance to pull itself out of the impasse. See this video from the "3Sat" media library:


It's just a pity that most traditional physicists still believe that elementary particle physicists, of all people, who ran into this dead end for 40 years at the forefront of physics, should now lead it back again. That is a huge error in thinking. Because these very physicists who never wanted to run into this dead end are now in a much better position to offer the whole of natural science a new direction. Our "Unified Science" is just such a proposal. But to do so, you have to be prepared to discard all the ballast of the last decades (if not centuries). You can check here whether you personally would be able to do this.

O3. The greatest advance in physics of all time

After more than 40 years of continuous research, I have achieved the goal that all other physicists have only dreamed of: the Unification of all Physics, and thereby also the unification of all general knowledge based on it.

School Physics continues to be useful as the scientific basis of "yesterday's" technology and traditional technologies. However, it is fundamentally useless for describing the Universe in which we live. The description of the Universe and life in it can (and must) be "told" quite differently. More about this in further posts on this blog.

O4. There are no absolute truths

When it comes to describing the world we all live in, there are no absolute truths. We can never be sure we really know anything about it. We can only make assumptions about it and look for more or less convincing experimental confirmation of these assumptions. Traditional physics has led us to believe that its statements are such absolute truths. My unification of physics, however, has shown that our scientific description of the Universe around us, and within us, was only a narrative (indeed, something like a fairy tale for adults).

So it is high time to switch from traditional physics to our Universal Philosophy, a philosophy of life and its inanimate cosmic home. We want to report on this new view here and discuss it with all of you. The "narrative" about the world we live in can be fun again, even inspiring. But above all, it must never again be a "nightmare" of young people's education. So, be there, join in.

O5. Our First Global Civilisation

The greatest civilisations of modern humans (such as, in the Mediterranean, Ancient Egypt, New Egypt, the Greeks, the Romans and the Middle Ages) all eventually came to an end. What have we learned from their rise and fall? Can we save our current, First Global Civilisation, from the mistakes of the past? Let's take a closer look at this diagram.

What happened on Earth about seven thousand years ago? And what does it mean for us today and for our whole civilisatory period from 1989 to 3108? This is what the Universal Philosophy of Naturics tells us.

All of us, but especially those born after 1989, belong to the First Global Civilisation of the world. Our parents and grandparents who died before 1989 still belonged to the most murderous Medieval Civilisation. It is our duty to ensure that there will never again be as many and as senseless deaths as in the Middle Ages. Thanks to one of the most important discoveries of the Unified Science, the Universal Time Scale, it has now become possible for us to define and limit all historical periods of human history (including our evolution) very precisely and unambiguously. (More about this in the other news.)