Universal Philosophy

How does ChatGPT learn about Naturics?

Aug, 2024
The conclusion ChatGPT comes to is: "For anyone interested in this revolutionary view, the term ‘Naturics’ is the key to familiarising themselves with the new knowledge and exploring the comprehensive material Jakubowski provides."
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How far is HBP advanced today?

Aug, 2024
Launched in 2013, the Human Brain Project (HBP) is one of Europe's largest and most ambitious research projects. It originally had a ten-year duration and aimed to understand the human brain by connecting a variety of disciplines such as neuroscience, computer science, medicine, and robotics. To find out the current state of this research at the deadline, I asked ChatGPT seven questions...
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The last European Home of Neanderthals!

Mai, 2024
It was only about 8000 years ago that a tsunami finally washed away the land bridge between Scandinavia and Great Britain. Archaeologists are using a special ship to find traces of the former settlement.
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Our unified definition of life!

Apr, 2024
Let's start right away with our new definition of life. According to the Universal Philosophy: life is a process of accumulation of the energy of matter-spirit quanta, from the initial universal level of membranes to higher and higher levels of these quanta, within organisms that are isolated by their membranes from an environment dominated by “non-living” quanta of energy.
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We are not an end in ourselves!

Apr, 2024
Meanwhile, I have turned my attention more to philosophical than purely physical problems. I have wondered what purpose, if any, our lives have in nature. Are we an end in itself? Have we been entrusted with a noble task here? Or are we just a remnant of a series of random events that could well have a very different final phase than our current civilization? ... Or, we don't play dumb, we understand the great good fortune that we have “accumulated” to date, and use our remaining days here on this beautiful Earth to sustain the further evolution of life for as long as possible, despite the inexorable march of death. If we choose this second option, however, we have to stop being and thinking selfishly. We need to think about how we can survive the current 21st century as a global community. Then we need to think a little further into the future and develop a new vision of a peaceful world community for the current millennium.
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Murder remains undeniably murder!

Apr, 2024
Murder remains an undisputed fact. However, the reality of life is that, as the first diagram of this study shows, about two percent of European women between the ages of 15 and 49 have an abortion every year. For each of these women, this is undoubtedly such a dramatic psychological and physical experience that probably none of the men involved in these “unwanted” pregnancies would want to experience it themselves. That is why I believe that, in light of the facts we know today, every
potential mother must be guaranteed the right to carry out such murder (or have it carried out by third parties). No other person, no state and no social institution has the right to prevent women from doing so. Quite the opposite. These women should be given all the support that the woman needs in this regard and that the community has available. No one and nothing can remove the burden of a woman knowing that she has killed her own child.
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The Polish Way to Global democracy!

Oct, 2023
In memory of the many, by no means nameless, victims of the Second World War; based on the book by Timothy Snyder: “Bloodlands; Europe between Hitler and Stalin”
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The clear stages of life for each of us!

Oct, 2023
No matter how tough you seem to be, saying goodbye to beloved family members, friends, or even pets is always difficult. You can rarely prepare for a “goodbye forever”. On the other hand, every living thing (at the levels above bacteria) must eventually die. Is there no prognosis, no prediction for this? Unfortunately not. But...
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Energy is the fuel of all activity in the Universe!

Jun, 2023
Most of the media, and thus most of the politicians, want to scare us into believing that we are living in the midst of an energy crisis. Energy is becoming increasingly scarce, and therefore increasingly expensive, and for many of us it may soon be unaffordable. All this scaremongering is a strong example of scientific appropriation. Media professionals and politicians use the term “energy”, which they have appropriated from traditional science, but none of them can really explain to us what energy is.
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Learning from others is OK!

Mai, 2023
Nevertheless, the former colonial powers tried for decades to integrate (appropriate) the “stolen culture” into their own cultural description of the world in which we live. That such an action is fundamentally wrong goes without saying today. But few of us are aware that a similarly false action, but on a much broader basis, has been going on unobjectionably since the beginning of the technical-scientific revolution. I am talking here about the scientific appropriation, the almost self-evident appropriation of scientific ideas from other people.
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Today's knowledge: the Universal Philosophy!

Dec, 2022
One of the most important realizations of humanity is that there are no absolute truths. All of humanity's knowledge has always been, is today, and will remain in the future, only a more or less extensive narrative. A story that we appropriate more and more since childhood, so that we consider it “true” in adulthood and no longer question it. ... Therefore, my main thesis today is: Almost all of what we have learned in our schools about nature can (and must) be discarded as used knowledge. ... Future generations of humans will collect their own knowledge, which they will also add to the used knowledge. But only if we give them the chance to be born at all.
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The World in 2070; a vision!

Dec, 2022
It was only after several crises and catastrophes of the 20th century that it was recognized that democracy does not mean exactly what one wanted to take from the wording of the name “democracy”. Not every vote of every individual can be perceived at the same time. The vote must also be “energetically quantized” (like all of nature). A representative of each individual base family carries all the votes of the base family to the level of the extended family and the clan. Only then does the representative of this clan carry the collective voice of the entire clan to the level of the districts and the city. And only then can the representatives of all (about 140) cities of a nation represent the nation at the world forum of all (about 140) nations with a “collective voice”, and with equal weight for each nation (which summarizes a group of about 36 million people). These 140 “national” representatives all know each other personally. And only they represent all the voices of humanity. Should any of them fail to behave democratically, it will be immediately apparent to all the others. Only on this “quantized” “family democracy”, organized at the core of the human family, can we all hope together to solve the enormous environmental problems that still lie ahead for us humans.
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Basic Family - the quantum of every society!

Dec, 2022
In my last book (“Me, You, and All of Us”), I suggest that we should reflect again on the natural unity of every human society, the Basic Family. I have come to realize that all life in our universe is energetically quantized. This means that human groups, which are nothing more than “naturally organized energy,” must also follow this pattern of the quantum spectrum.
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Jupiter - the core of the Andrea-Star!

Oct, 2022
We can (and should) be curious to see how long it will take NASA scientists to follow “my lead”, that is, to accept that Jupiter is not really a planet of the Sun, but the former core of the stellar companion of the original Sun. Without this companion, there would be no Earth and, of course, no us.
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What remains in the World after we die?

Mar, 2022
We know quite well what remains for all of us after the death of Nicolaus Copernicus, Albert Einstein, Theodore Roosevelt, or Mother Theresa. But we are rarely aware of what remains after the death of the many other, mostly nameless people. Wrongly so, because that's all of us - just the world's population today. Without the contribution of the nameless, the contributions of the famous would be worthless because there would be no one to perceive that value. Is the contribution of the nameless less valuable just because we will never know their names? Absolutely not. Without the millions of simple but successful family foundations of the nameless people, humanity would have died out long ago. The longer I think about it, the more the fact that we are still here seems like a miracle, something we take for granted. Despite all the terrible wars and epidemics of the Middle Ages (including the 20th century), there were still enough nameless men and women who together raised enough mentally healthy children to ensure that the generational chain of humanity would not be broken. The mental health of these children must have been (statistically speaking) stable enough for these children to want to start their own families when the time came.
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How weak our democracy is!

Mar, 2022
Nowadays, people should no longer be divided geographically into Europeans, Asians or Africans. Unfortunately, however, they still have to be distinguished according to their historical views. There is a majority of people who would like to leave the murderous medieval civilization behind. But there is still a small minority that does not want to leave the Middle Ages. Intellectually, they are still stuck in the thought patterns of the conquerors, the inquisitors, the conquistadors, or even the world rulers. This minority must be isolated as soon as possible, as was done with one of its worst representatives, Napoleon Bonaparte, at the end of his criminal raids.
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No healthy children without community!

Mar, 2022
No human child will ever be able to become a healthy adult without a community in which it is embedded from birth. Only the still relatively young field of epigenetics has taught us that it is not the genes alone, but the social environment in which a child grows up that has the decisive influence on the development of this nascent human being. No toddler can escape the influence of their social community. It is only as a teenager that they can begin to realize that their environment may be harmful to them and start to rebel against this influence.
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The Sun is much hotter than previously thought!

Feb, 2022
It is the description of the latest discovery of one of the consequences of unification: the direct calculation of the global energy radiation of the Primordial Sun. From this we learn that even today it is much warmer in the center of the Sun than previously thought; namely, about 150 million degrees Kelvin. On the other hand, this discovery is also direct evidence that the entire Universe, on both small and large scales, is indeed quantized. Therefore, instead of a solar system, we should speak (and think) of a Quantum Solar System.
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Together we change the World!

Feb, 2022
Victor Hugo is said to have said: “There is nothing more powerful in this world than an idea whose time has come.” It is important to remember this maxim because ideas are also feelings. When an idea is shared by a group of people, it will gain in power. Such an inter-subjective idea can motivate a group to act together. It thus has the potential to change the world.
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Alison, great as always!

Jan, 2022
They would say: “Forget your individual life. Come back to your family. We all need you. And you need us too. We will show you your way ‘across’ your life. We will show you the ‘map of life’, our family tradition, our extended family tradition, our tribal tradition. You will no longer need your individual status symbols of prosperity. And so on.”
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Living alone is crappy!

Jan, 2022
Have you already tried living alone? Were you perhaps forced to do so by the so-called “circumstances of life”? If so, then you should know: having to live alone is crappy. And that both biologically and psychologically. If you know of even a single person who claims to be happy living alone, then you can be sure that they are a liar. Or they are so traumatized after an earlier failed relationship that they no longer have the courage to allow themselves to seek happiness again.
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To perceive our feelings again!

Dec, 2021
The whole discussion at this table, like all other discussions on similar topics, always assumes that our society is a “collection” of individuals. The toddlers are out of the discussion anyway, and the young people only as “material” that is still to be “formed” by the adults. In this situation, awareness and resilience are also seen as a quality of thinking people; we just have to think of how we could acquire a new personal quality. The sum of these individual qualities should then “improve” society. But there is a “big problem” with this approach. And it is much deeper than one might think.
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But there is reason to be optimistic!

Dec, 2021
Today, I am speaking particularly to those 25(+/-10) year-olds who have the chance to be in the prime of their lives in the year 2050. I maintain that you have more reasons for optimism than for pessimism. Let's try to think our way into your future together. I would even go so far as to say that the chances are very good that in thirty years you will be living in paradise.
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To leave better children!

Dec, 2021
Inspired by a clever Greek woman, Kalomoira Estianidi, who answers many questions on philosophy on an online platform, I also had an aha experience. It is about the versatility of almost all human problems. The “Fridays for Future” movement has sensitized us all to the future of today's youth. We, the older generation, should not “wreck” the future of young people with our economic policies. They need the planet no less than we do. But I, as the grandfather of several teenagers and young adults, should have come up with Ms. Estianidi's idea long ago, that there is a second side to the coin of “the future of young people”.
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Administration instead of ruling!

Dec, 2021
One of our most urgent tasks is to switch from the idea of world domination to the idea of world governance. We must realize that the world is not our property. It has only been given to us, so to speak, into our care. Every next generation has the same right to live on Earth, and to do so in full dignity, and not just as a cleanup crew after our generation of egoists. So what do we still have to do before we leave the World?
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First the soul, only then the rest of us!

Dec, 2021
Our Universe, including all living organisms, consists of matter-spirit quanta (with their material, spatial expansion and spiritual, temporal experience), which were created directly from the Universal Creative (or Creative) Potential (Oneness). A smaller portion of this Universal Creative Potential has historically been referred to as the “soul.” Each living organism has its own soul as its primary essence, its own origin. It gives origin to all the matter-spirit quanta that form that organism's body and create its spirit. Thus, in contrast to the traditional view, our Unified Science suggests that it is our soul that creates our body and our mind, and not that our body, which supposedly (and incomprehensibly) should have developed from an immaterial origin, receives its soul in an even more mysterious process. Our soul cannot die with our body; it returns to the Universal Creative Potential as an energetic “imprint”.
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If you stand still, you go backwards!

Dec, 2021
Looking 20-30 years into the future, what difference do you think there will be between “Germany today” and “Germany tomorrow”? ... The world has taken a giant step in a new direction called “globalization”. German family and education policy has not moved. And if you stand still, you actually go backwards. An even bigger problem for the German nation, however, is that it cannot accept that its demographic “extinction” could very soon become irreversible.
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What do we owe the future?

Dec, 2021
In this context, there are many unanswered questions. What are our duties and obligations to future generations, what do we owe them, what do we owe the future? The first, perhaps still naive, answer is that we all have a responsibility to be a good “teacher” for the next generations. We have to teach them the right basic values. But how can we know that what we do now will have a positive impact on the future?
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Our common life is sick!

Dec, 2021
The main question that arises is: How can we improve democracy so that it can effectively and satisfactorily regulate our common life of the first global, truly worldwide civilization? Is that even possible? I think yes, it is possible. But to do that, we first have to change something at the other end of the problem. And that is, we must first be clear about who we actually are? And then, what does it mean, “all of us together”?
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The alternative to democracy is always barbarism!

Dec, 2021
Reiner Mausfeld still warns us (and we should take this warning seriously): “If the public debate space is not intact, there can be no democracy. Democracy provides egalitarian procedures for peacefully reconciling different positions for political action. Democracy is indispensable if we want to contain power and violence. The alternative to democracy is always barbarism.”
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Learning from the mistakes!

Dec, 2021
Learning from the mistakes!
“There is always a group of people who claim that they have a greater right to exercise power and the right to suppress all others.”
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Protect the environment - at all costs!

Dec, 2021
Climate models that are based only on an analysis of the Earth's surface and atmosphere cannot correspond to historical reality because they ignore the cosmic nature of the global climate. A reliable climate model must also enable a historically exact reconstruction of past periods in the Earth's climate. And not just over decades, but over millennia. None of the climate models that today's science “sells” us can do that. None! No matter how many hundreds or thousands of traditionalists join forces. On the other hand, the simplest analysis of the energetic embedding of the Earth in the Cosmic Hierarchy of the solar system leads to an excellent agreement of our climate model with historical reality. The last almost two thousand years of this reconstruction are shown in the following diagram.
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Become an ambassador too!

Dec, 2021
Despite the multiple obvious confirmations of the reality of the Cosmic Hierarchy, even those researchers and observers who have provided the figures in our table find it difficult to accept the existence of our Cosmic Hierarchy. We must emphasize here that the Cosmic Hierarchy of our solar system could actually already be introduced into traditional science and discussed without our Unified Physics. It is both astonishing and sad that today, entire generations of young people worldwide still leave school without learning a single word about the wonderfully ordered cosmic environment of the Earth. You, as a reader of this book, should also feel obliged to improve this unfortunate situation by educating people. It will probably take decades before schools are officially prepared to do so.
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Milkyway Galaxy - just an illusion!

Dec, 2021
We humans have always been rather egocentric, even in our world view. Since we realized (only around the middle of the 20th century) that our sun (with its planetary system) could be a member of a (presumed) Milky Way galaxy, we immediately assumed arrogantly - without really having any evidence - that this galaxy would have to be the largest and most beautiful of all. The truly beautiful Andromeda Galaxy, which is “only” about 2 million light-years away from us, was only allowed to be our sister galaxy.
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Why you too ...

Dec, 2021
...can (and should) become a universal philosopher.
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Why is it so important ...

Dec, 2021
...to become aware of our duty to continue evolution as well as possible?
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